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Everything posted by Lab

  1. For £1500 quid I want to see Kate's Bush.
  2. Bet you need to hit them more than once. Best of using the spin technique with ducks. Completely severing the neck.
  3. To tough to call that one.....but it's a clear indication into how the world is going now. Better just to ignore a lost child nowadays than be labelled a nonce. My Grandads brother (87) was just telling me he was driving home one day, pishing off rain, and he noticed the wee lassie who lives down the street walking home soaking wet. He saw her, and she saw him but he kept driving. The wee lassie must have said to her Mum and she said to Wull " why did you not stop and give her a lift?" "No chance" was his reply. Threads like this just show he was right to keep driving. Sad world we live in
  4. Actually that makes a lot of sense ... I hold my bow in my left hand even though I am right handed ... Right I will try the catty in my left hand tomorrow and see if that works better ........That's weird that you'd do it that way mate. Seems natural to me if your right handed then to pull the cord with your right.What shoulder do you shoot of....I'm imagining right? I reckon this is why you can't hit anything.
  5. Lab

    Rolf Harris

    nice to see you, to see you ,nice the mind boggles "What's lower than a nine?"........An 8 ya dirty c**t!!
  6. As you know I couldn't give a flying f**k about English football. But when I read stuff like Celtic and Rangers fan base is not up there with English teams I do find it hard not to fall over laughing. In fairness you do seem like one of the few Jocks you come across who is true to their own so fair do,s on that score....................however i dont think this little debate is about clubs its about leagues.................English clubs have 30/40 other clubs to compete with for top attendancies Celtic have 1 but the fact the top Scottish league is behind the English 4th tier in terms of
  7. As you know I couldn't give a flying f**k about English football. But when I read stuff like Celtic and Rangers fan base is not up there with English teams I do find it hard not to fall over laughing. Just because the other clubs in Scotland have less crowds and it brings the average down doesn't say anything about Celtic or Rangers support.
  8. Arsenal or Chelsea......lolIt's only Man U who can sit more than Parkhead. So don't be saying we are well behind on fan base. That's silly. Lab, I did not say anything. I put a link up simple I could maybe try and find a link on how many Celtic fans travelled to Seville for a 'Uefa Cup' final.....yes UEFA Cup not CL. Then maybe I could work that out against Chelsea and Liverpool fans who travel. Might give an insight into fan base...;-)
  9. Arsenal or Chelsea......lol It's only Man U who can sit more than Parkhead. So don't be saying we are well behind on fan base. That's silly.
  10. Who said anything about winning leagues? We know fine well that we will have to turn up every week to win this one. If we don't then so f**k. Just another season or two trying. Looking forward to it either way Stop playing it down.....you've thought you'll waltz right back in and so far you've done no to bad. This could be your stumbling block and the test of these amazing fans you have that go week in week out.
  11. Rangers better hope they don't get any more deduction of points. Better get the season ticket thing sorted out first before you start thinking about winning leagues
  12. Ok...I'm sky plussing....smart arse.
  13. 2 parter.....am taping that...?
  14. The thing is tomo, they hadnt a clue how to get the fire going, tried for hours, days...... Folk dehydrating. Then on the 11th hour they said we now know the stick has to be the same diameter all the way up, the stone has to be the precise size of the wood and so does the wood at the bottom. Yet not that long before they knew nothing of this. Bit of a coincidence one of thems a professional camera man, how many of them do you know lol. No answer for the buoys then? Pretty obvious it was a net but mysteriously disappeared but I don't want to waste big brother for you's Coincidence? Or is it t
  15. Lab your all heart,,lol... I don't think just having your top off,,,,warrants being attacked by a dog,,,wonder if he was a traveler,,,they always get there shirts off,, Aye mate but having your top off usually means your in a fight or looking for one. Facts are when you have a big powerful police dog 4 feet from your face you be quiet and follow instructions. I would anyway.
  16. Right Scott am making a clootie....your on first slice. I'll FTP ye ya coooont!!..?
  17. Guys tops off in the street....police dog called....not lying on the ground like probably told....get on dog....job done.
  18. the fact its only wrong when things go wrong does not make it right Exactly mate. It may not be neglect in Portugal but it is here so does that make it ok? Me thinks not. My auld man used to hammer me lol, it was the done thing then...... Must be ok then. Did you deserve it?? I got battered tae but I f***ing did deserve it.
  19. Canny be arsed debating it, it's been done to a death. Parents have done similar for years and nothing like this has happened. Easy to criticise now.
  20. Maybe that's the problem mate. Poor lassy is dead/missing cos they did nothing to secure her safety.Debatable.
  21. Doubt they'll be worrying. They've never done anything.
  22. 1....Great shooting bud 2....canny believe you've called yourself "Sharpshooter"......maybe change the cammo jacket for a cape and a mask next time....hahahaha ya fud....?
  23. Atleast it's the flavour of your sausage this time mate and not the size like usual....??
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