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About Wallis46

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 07/06/1986

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    West Yorkshire
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  1. Post made me smile mate........... Iv tried a lot on my golf course and i reckon you need a rocket propelled dog too! Lands just too smooth. ATB Wallis
  2. Pigs gettin well bad by me now but wierd thing is every time i say im walking my dog wots it to do wi you they just go... spoils a good night out tho.
  3. Got a really good spot torch can i wire it up to a proper battery. With no experience of electrics.... and bein a bit of a spaz

  4. know what you mean about when its time to out soon as im getting ready even ironing clothes hes pacing round making pining noises and if he aint been out in the morning then by tea time you definately know hes there follows you like a shadow so you dont go anywhere without him Seriously mate its as if your narrating my life. Noisy bullx' all the way!!!lol
  5. Thats the way i like to hunt mate and is the way my new saluki x is going to be brought on.. Nice post straight to the point.. atb
  6. what aload of crap perhaps you just ruined the dog. deerhounds have been used here for hundreds of years just because the chav bridage use brain dead bull x the deerhound has become quite redundant as a breed and all the history and tradiation seems to be flushed down the drain by addias wearing brain dead bull x owners makes me mad. i used to know a guy running 1st x deerhound/grey do 3-3 in small fields in ireland on hare and 30+ rabbits on lamp one of the best dogs he ever had.pity more people just on the bull x bandwagon for bigger game. A 1st x deer/grey is a totaly different kettl
  7. No work all summer soon as seasons nearly here job offers all over just my luck

  8. Bet they all booked up arnt they too havin bull in em. Im after a pup now iv just moved an its first time iv been able to get a new dog. PM me mate if any left up for grabs, and if ya arnt million miles away from me, diesels expensive now..
  9. 177 is the future iv seen it......

  10. Ridiculously good looking both of em mate ive got a big stupid heavy bull x and im not one a them who sticks up for em im so jealous cracking looking dogs.... Atb Wallis
  11. my 3/4 bull grey reverse if you like being 3/4 bull makes seriously short work of charlies single handed but im new to this and i assumed all dogs would Shes not that fast but i love her only problem is i cant take her out in daylight cos she courses and kills owt in front of her including other dogs. I Know i should sort it but i dont know how an shes not gettin put down, no way. Mates Saluki/Deer jumped on a roe buck and took it down my dog had it done in seconds when it caught up i could call her single handed on deer but it means nothing if she aint fast enough. I need a proper dog soon.
  12. My bitch is 23" and 26kg shes a bully type but should run at a bit less im sure my mums been feedin her up when im out . Movin today tho so there'l be no more of that lol. Atb Wallis
  13. For everyone asking about EDRD its a monthly mag you must subscribe to and there is a link where you get into this section of the site big blue thing it is, cant miss it Atb
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