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  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 09/09/1980

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  • Interests
    ferreting, rearing ,beating, having good laugh, breeding chickens quail,ratting, lamping, boxing

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  1. trappa why dont you hatch them out and put them under the heat lamp
  2. hi black rocks good layers there are a sale on 9th april at carislie get some layers there good luck
  3. Pheasant poults for sale, £4.00 only.....snap up a bargain........lol

  4. landy get back on the chat room pal

  5. hello grompz good to hear your keeping fifes good breed to keep easy to look after i had them for years showed them, i had about 40 of them alot of wasted seed tryed to blow the empty seed off the top of the good stuff waste of time got a seed blower waste of time i think youll have to deal with it pal but keep feeding canary seed and your birds will do all right some brocolli some condition seed, what colour are your fifes thanks pal good luck
  6. hello its strong looking dog i would take the collar of when working it looks like it and cover some ground mate good luck training
  7. that could off went wrong its only a young dog if the you had only injued it could bited the dog then the next time you send it for a retrieve it woulded want to pick it up start it on cold game pheasants rabbits
  8. coturnix quail hens start laying at 6 weeks old, i use to put 1 cock to 4 hens cock birds and be sore on one or two hens so i liked 4 hens easy to look after but can be dirty birds when your quail start laying eggs they won t stop laying dont pay more then a fiver a bird hope you get plenty eggs
  9. happy time pheasant season

  10. you still breeding good stuff pal

  11. hes only 8weeks mate.wee cracker

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