Sounds a good one.
Thanks for reply and good luck with them all for next season and beyond.
Thanks for that Blue one!
I sent you a message their.
Message replied to !
Thanks for your replies! The fawn bitch is a non pedigree whippet standing at 21 inches. She is a very game little bitch used for mooching,ferreting and lamping and has caught a few red lads in her first two seasons!
there are plenty running for election in ireland as we speak .anybody from the green party and quite a few from the labour party plus others .we could name them .i will start ,shane cassells meath west fina fail,mary white green north tipp i think ,and domnic hannigan labour meath east if u know any more please add
mary white hopefully she will R.I.P very soon
She's a neighbour of mine! We shot two foxes in a knock right beside her house three sundays ago! She wont be knocking on my door looking for votes!
I have a whippet bitch standing 21 inches TTS. She is the gamest dog I have . She has no problem taking foxes single handed and will burst her way through any cover if there is a whiff of a fox!
Yes mate, my mrs will use the saddle's in a stew feckin lovley , and Bryn + Tod my dog will have the rest, plenty of food there for them.
Fair play Bird! Very few hares around my way but every rabbit is eaten by humans,ferrets and dogs!