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Everything posted by poxon

  1. poxon


    Any of you lads ever done any ceramic coatings on guns/cars/motorcycle's? I’m gunner be having a go at coating some billet wheel hubs at the weekend it’ll be my first time using the stuff I’m a little nervous because I want to make a really good professional job of it I’ve glass media shot the hubs in the sand blast cabinet keeping the bearings an dust seals in so to not play with tolerances I’ve degreased them then baked them in the oven repeated twice to make sure for no grease I’m looking for any hints an tips would be appreciated? I think this is a good a place as any as I know many on her
  2. Sounds abit like another form of control over people that keep a few for eggs tbh
  3. My misses dad used to do his fence every summer religiously he’d probably not done it for about 5yrs before it was removed he’s getting on abit he’s in his 80s but was still a solid fence when removed used to crack me up when I used to go up there in the summer there used to be a stong smell of creosote you’d look at the fence it’d look like it was bleeding of creosote. I do like the smell of the stuff though
  4. Brilliant stuff mate nothing wants to eat in to it or f**k with it he said paint it on on a hot day so the wood don’t contain any moisture it draws it in. he reconned that’s what the original telegraph poles are done in sort of makes sence as they have a long life span
  5. Good to keep red mite at bay when I was in the poultry trade we use to do the roots bars with it
  6. My misses dad used to mix used engine oil and creosote he made a fence out of old pallets at the back of there garden the bloody thing stood nearly 40 years till my mother inlaw decided it was time to get some fence contractors in to put a modern fence up.he was pissed when he realised he couldn’t get proper creosote no more he said this fence will be rotted out within 5-7years he recons the modern stuff shit
  7. My brother got a lab nice enough bitch he made a big point of it be kc reg an the price he paid for if sort of tried giving it the big money man my dogs better than yours crack I’ve learned to smile and agree……. The things cost him a fortune turning out the dogs diabetic so has to have jabs for it regularly and special food my dad said to him a couple of weeks ago this dog can’t see properly it’s head eye coordination ant right if your holding a treat one of her special biscuits an Chuck it to her she can’t see it coming so his her on the head he said get her to the vets they said it’s catarac
  8. I quit 2 seasons ago now after a long time at it. it wasn’t worth the bother time an effort no more put in it got to a point that you’d be doing a dusk till dawn for one or two rabbits on the lamp 2 rabbits would be a good night that’s how bad it got! My last season at it I finished the season on 98 lamped rabbits with the dog plus other bits. For the last 10yrs I’ve watched rabbit numbers dwindle at one point we could find more than enough work for 6 ferrets and 7 dogs between us now you’d be lucky to actually call a dog a working dog. Thats Oxford way an no I’m not a posh c**t vhd virus as
  9. poxon

    Power on

    That’s a good idea I like all the space saving ideas and ways to make stuff tidy
  10. poxon

    Power on

    Cheers fella I’ve been grafting hard to get it like this I know it’s not mutch in some eyes but I’m really happy with the working space Just remember cash is king when it comes to getting trades in get a quote then a cash price worlds a difference
  11. poxon

    Power on

    Had the sparky in today to power up my little workshop proper buzzing now I’ve got power at the flick of a switch an lights….the small things hey as you get older the smallest things make you happy
  12. That’s one lucky whippet fred
  13. Your enjoy it either way mate still a cheaper alternative to running a boiler you have a option of switching to whatever fuel sauce you want to use or have the most of plus the heat is a cosy heat rather than a dry heat like central heating
  14. I burn smokeless coal sometimes to keep the burner in overnight I use supertherme smokeless it’s about £17.50-£19 a bag tbh I think coal is messy the amount off ash produced I have to clean out the ash tray daily it’s ok to start with but soon gets boring plus if your burner has a glass window you need to clean it every couple of burns I favour wood as it burns clean
  15. True that remember seeing those ads saying that
  16. Pol meaning point of lay is what you want usually 16 to 18 weeks old I highly recommend Sussex xs as there naturaly inquisitive an friendly and good with kids
  17. My dads retired he had all these plans of what he was going to do with his time he stayed working a extra year then retired he’s been retired 3 years an done nothing bar watching tv and plays golf twice a week goes to the gym a couple of times a week for a hour then does nothing with the time all the plans of being able to do his house an garden have come to nothing I keep trying to g him up but he’s having none of it then moans times going fast and he’s achieved nothing. I hope I don’t end up having the same motivation as my father but I can’t see it myself because I’m the black sheep of the
  18. Hybrid layers Sussex x Rhode Island reds are the most common typical ginger looking farm yard chicken I like the maran xs and Sussex xs myself
  19. I like oeg bantam I had a hen once good little layers for a bird not really designed as a layer.
  20. True that I had a trio of Dutch bantams once them fuckers can fly slight bit of wind under there wings an there off…had to go down the road a few times an nock on the doors can I have my chickens back please felt a right c**t
  21. Definitely get some well worth keeping them for eggs mate cheap as hell to keep and easy
  22. there layer’s pellets contain all they need for egg production you’d have to feed that anyway they’d not find enough food scratching about in the dirt that’s just supplementary food stuffs and morsels. Mate you won’t believe the amount of damage an land they could clear once they get to work hens are a busy animal. I’ve got 3layers i keep them in a omlet cube on hard standing with scratch material in the run I dump food waste in the run for them to eat an scratch. every month or month an a half it gets dug out an on to the compost heap I’d not recommend having them free roaming if you have a
  23. Better kept on concrete in my opinion than on dirt as the ground goes sour an harbours disease your better off adding scratch materials like grass clippings/straw/sawdust or leafs
  24. Congratulations greyman enjoy
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