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Everything posted by poxon

  1. i think you win first prize for allround tool of the day!!!!!!! are you david hancocks love child because you have a obsession about him i think he not been paying your mummy maintenance thats why you have the obsession you have with him every ones already aware hancocks a puppy farmer but the fact is good serviceable dog come out of his kennal :yes: :yes:
  2. ive a collie/grey x whippet/grey on both sides still young with only the back end of last season under her belt all i can say is im happy so far bring on this season
  3. any lurcher doing the lots the dogs dangles in my eyes
  4. ive never owned one but to me a allrounder is a dog that can take all game for the table an not for the table day an night and can work the sofa efficiently when need be an can also race with the best of them allrounder= jack of all trades master of none!!! just a honest working dog and loyal friend
  5. cracking looking birds mate fair play to ya the little redpoll hen took my eye
  6. I doubt you've ever had an " On Top ", and if you did , you'd cry for your ma !! Cheers. if i had a chopper above id just give up no getitng away dont think he watches coppers
  7. :laugh: :laugh: f**k driving the land rather walk my mutts dont need any help working
  8. id say pitt generals about 16 an all that he nows about hunting can put on the back of a stamp but saying that im 30 an i could not fill a post it with what i now about hunting
  9. i like the look of this dog mate nice!
  10. he looks the nice type mate thanks for the info dont no about your hat though
  11. Ask Mr scent and lurcher 330. Both have / had some quality collie / grey fox dogs. they where my 2 3/4 collie greys,the bitch had to be pts but i still have the dog and at 10 years old he will still knock over what is put infront of him
  12. yer man pure smash it up wit me reebok trainers Merc that fox Bruv ,you ain't from the endz init,brraaappp. so true though!
  13. nice one mate forgot about colliecurs not been on since last year ill have a look cheers mate
  14. as above for the people that have an do own them how did you find them work or pet wise what were they like to train and are they well constructed for work weather it was pre ban or ban im very fascinated with this cross an would like to no more from people that have owned them with out me having to go down the book reading route if you have any pics to add of the all the better
  15. not to sound like a complete cock but who gives a shit if philip king is the king of lurchers or not does it effect the way your lurchers work an does it stop you having some fun with your hounds .....no he could be the burger king for all the differents it makes
  16. so we have come to the conclusion then the lurcher worlds is completely mad great i should fit in just fine then!!!
  17. doesn't your post just go to show that you are one of the "concerned" people you are talking about ???? no how does it show im one of the concerned about what others are doing with there dogs is all it shows is ive some time on my hands to spout shit over the thl dont no weather you have noticed this is the first time ive added a post it was only abit of baiting to kill time an have a bit of fun(the hunting lifes not the real world) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :boogy: only on the hunting life
  18. here we go only on the hunting life i got the same durable qualities from collie greyhounds. first crosses. its what i would expext from a well bred first cross lurcher. what do you keep. and what type of ground do you work it on? i keep a collie lurcher to collie lurcher bred an beddy x ill work em on any ground beggers cant be choosers
  19. lol that land already being worked an worked hard me old mate
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