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poxon last won the day on October 3 2019

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About poxon

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Great cross ain’t they mate really good fun cross to own and work definitely a ready for anything type of cross ive got a bit of regret that I didn’t try this cross 20yrs odd yrs ago and that I stuck to the straight crosses rather than the bitza bred worker to worker types as there so underrated with people wanting straight crosses or with nothing else in the mix
  2. Good x if you can find a good un my cousin used to have a beddy grey deer grey not a particularly racy or large dog you would expect from this cross guessing it was the beddy influence but had venom for fox hated them with a passion got fond memories of this dog
  3. Sorry to hear about buck ray that dog had a good life in your hands mate rip buck
  4. Beddy grey/collie grey are a decent honest cross if you can get a well bred one they seem to complement each cross. there a handy cross to have about from my bit of experience with them they can be used for a bit of everything day or night and a joy to own I really gelled with this cross my favourite mix
  5. Never easy saying goodbye mate I’ve always had a few running dogs about me but something I’ve noticed as I’ve got older my self it cuts a little deeper when it’s time to say goodbye to old friends I had my old mate Millie pts a couple of months ago it left our house hold feeling a bit weird every morning I’d get up an say hello to a gret dopey Lurcher sprawled out on the sofa it’s a strange feeling her just not being there it’s a habit I’ve always done gone to say hello to her I just don’t go in the living room first thing in the morning anymore as it’s not the same even had a couple of times
  6. I’d go for a vag group car there all pretty much the same car underneath I had a Passat high line as a spare vehicle give £400 for off my old man with 60k on the clock and full service history I put some miles on it was cheap motoring I had it a few years by far the one of the comfiest motors to drive plenty of space to chuck shit in the back of plus kids and dogs I ended up selling it for £500 when I’d finished with it only reason I sold it was because the insurance quote cam in and it was more than my Audi s3 and I couldn’t get it cheaper still to this day I can’t make out why a Passat 1.9 t
  7. Used to know a lad we all grew up together on our estate he was apart of our crowd/little gang he was a couple of years older than us lot to all us lot he was no problem but he had a nasty side a couple of times I’d seen him just randomly whack someone for no apparent reason I started to not really like him but just tolerate him after the first time I see him verbally abusing a oldish guy and his son I started to distance my self were I could this old guy and his son who was clearly a special needs or something lived next door to this guy we knew any how apparently he’d been given this old guy
  8. bloody hate bully’s I call that shit out for exactly what it is I’ve never been bullied after the incident at school but it definitely changes you has a person taking multiple good hidings to a point you just don’t give a shit any more I mean it’s quite dangerous knowing you can take a good hiding and you know your capabilities of dishing out a beating back and you no longer give a feck about nothing it puts you on a dangerous path of bad life choices and hanging around with the wrong crowd well it did for me till I was about 20 and settled with a bird who kept me on the straight and narrow pl
  9. I was bullied at secondary school I used to get gang beaten by pakis for some reason they just didn’t like me it started end of year 7 just the occasional good hiding by yr 9 it was more regular just a couple of digs every couple of days the school didn’t want to do feck all about it there useless mid yr9 I was waiting outside the science labs after lunch ready for lesson and I was jumped by this gang of pakis it was a right pasting I was punched kicked and stomped I legged it home crying my old man just finished his 6 till 2 shift I told him what happened he had a bit of a man to man talk wit
  10. I’m not really a staffie type of guy I’m a Lurcher guy but always walk through life with my eyes open I used to get round Birmingham way a lot something I noticed most of the Staffords we’re powerful leggy types they looked more like pbt than a Stafford its strange you can go city to city or different towns they all look slightly different in type
  11. Kawasaki kx250 1999-2002 shape or a 03-08 shape or a Yamaha yz 250 1999-2004 steel frame I’ve seen a few of these bikes pop up for sale but the prices asked and then the logistics side of things don’t seem worth entertaining knowing what’s involved in a restoration and cost there is no resale value left in them I’m a avid moocher on eBay (daily) seeing what’s about my misses looks on fb marketplace for me on her fb just seems people want strong money for a turd I’m sure something will pop up though eventually it always does it’ll probably be when I’m not looking I’m from near Oxfordshire
  12. Thought it was a Mercedes the c class thats my favourite car since seeing a 18reg shape Mercedes c220 amg line in black I’ve always thought by the shape and spec of the car that there a really nice looking car fair fucks to doing a repair one might be the way I go if I can’t find the right mx bike to build to do
  13. Took a guy out on me and my mates spot to help him get a young bitch going as mine was up an running only for him to return with his mates when he wanted an f**k shit up he tried to deny he’d been on our permission but id seen them running the beam one night when I was out for a little solo look then found his motor parked pretty close by one of the guys family let it slip were they had been going I went ghost after that. Proper shame as it was good land to run there was a good mix bag on there never again would I take randoms out on our spots all in the name of being a good egg and helping so
  14. This little side show bob looking f****r will go to prison and it will be like a lads holiday camp for him the justice system is a complete joke he will plead disability of some sort get a reduced sentence then serve 3 quarters of the sentence and be let out on reform behaviour or let out because of overcrowding in prisons. Need to bring back town hangings I likes a good hanging I do or locked in a cel and starved until dead that would stop these little c**ts rolling around thinking they can stab people up
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