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Everything posted by christian71

  1. if anyone feels left out let me know
  2. He dosnt come In chat but cant leave my old mate out
  3. chid will love that. he's 3" taller than you he is 3ft 9"
  4. No mate was going to get you a few more bits The hunting like brown noser award 2013 go to tilfertilfer http://talentedapps.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/brownnoser_award_anadi.jpg
  5. Got one between you and joe booked this for EDRD show
  6. No mate was going to get you a few more bits
  7. And for are smallest thl chat member :laugh:
  8. Was looking to get cheeky, "A long suffering wife trophy" but couldn't find one big enough :laugh:
  9. Cheers Christian. I'll enjoy reading that wearing my new green jacket. Wont be long and you might have a few stripes on it :laugh:
  10. Got this for one of are new mods oh and he's looking in :laugh: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dont-Pick-Me-Handle-Bullying/dp/1853408026#_
  11. Will this poster do for the bedroom wall mate
  12. Thanks paul love commitments will see I can find you mate
  13. Hows this for you stan http://nerdapproved.com/bizarre-gadgets/flashing-brown-nose-can-you-smell-a-promotion/#!qv68l
  14. Get your eyes of its for mel iv got you something don't worry
  15. Oh and got this nice likkle presy aswell http://www.play.com/LargerImages.html?r=GADG&productid=15117164
  16. This for another Jameson's Irish Whiskey Miniature http://thereinventedlass.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/jameson-whiskey.jpg
  17. this for another member But saying that I might keep it myself
  18. Just doing my Christmas shopping for my thl chat buddies Just found this for one of the http://unionizegatecity.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/the_worlds_greatest_brown_noser_mug-p1682422750430093222om5b_4001.jpg
  19. If someone rejects you, respect his or her wishes and wish him or her only good in life.

    1. pip1968


      why didnt you just say if a mod bans you respect his or her wishes lol

    2. christian71


      I wake up in the middle of the night shouting f**k me im banned from chat again hahaha

    3. christian71


      my mrs say go back to sleep your having thl dreams again lololol

  20. nice ------ get em in the winter shows be interesting to see how white racers do in the shows ---my best show racer was a gurney a black un put some in the fancy colour class the other week f**k all
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