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Dun Dun's

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About Dun Dun's

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 29/07/1985

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    around da corner frm da old oak tree
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  1. cracking pup for the show ring larry, likewise with the other 2 in the pic's may you win man rosettes with them!!!
  2. 3rd picture fkn rocks haha looks like a right durty biatch
  3. often surprised they didn't I would have he's a fkn durt burd if i ever came across his likes i'd fkn castrate the cant.. fkn hick c**t
  4. Reading the sunday papers an i see larry murphy's out within the next coupla days.. fack'n wouldn mind comin across him whilst out digging like a lorra folk,i knw wat i'd do wit the cant fill him in with the backfill fack'n durty cant..
  5. get cracking with the pics henry! iterested in seen wat de look like yeah..
  6. any pictures of any of the wrecking cru stuff or does anyone know of any videos on youtube..
  7. DUNNER , THAT BIT ABOUT...................." NOT WANTING TURNING UP ON A MANS DOOR UNSUSPECTED " TELLS ME A LOT ABOUT YOU ALL THE BEST DUCKWING elaberate ther duckwing wat ya mean by not wanting turning up on a mans door unsuspected???
  8. tell ya rodge it could be but am not a 100% on his name just were e lives an wat stock e keeps, so any of the irish or english blokes that think they might know who i'm on about dnt be afraid to say..
  9. i'm looking for some help in getting in contact with a bloke me mate bought a couple of pups off last year, he's an english bloke living in the oldcastle area of meath cant remember his name an me mate no longer has his number.. he works for a hunt in meath he bred a litter of patt/staff's an also had russells. if anyone can pm me his number or anything would be sweet. i knw where e lives but wouldn't feel right jus arrivin on his door unecspected. nice1 .dunner.
  10. I'd say with that fox attackin those 2 chrildren in london will change some peoples minds if it ever goes vote!!
  11. do you work the parents or are they themselves just show dogs????
  12. You beat me to that one! BTW-off topic,is it just me or are Ndubz the worst f*****g group in the world ever!? I cant change channels quick enough when the b*****ds come on the radio-making good money from that pseudo gangsta shite. Sorry,rant over-back to topic! (I just f*****g hate them with a passion!) 9 dogs sold in a year-grade 1 messer. who the fk in the right mind would listen to that english gangster wannabe garbage anyway blow it out your fkn ring piece
  13. as a said da cant got sold shite so e's passin it on on here ya'd wanna be a silly cant ta sell stolen dogs on here!! an as for me keepin shite eh its yet ta be provin av got a young pat dog13 months dats yet ta make da grade so come bk too me october an al let ya knw if av got shite or not
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