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bunny tickler

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Everything posted by bunny tickler

  1. way to many cats roaming about ,they deffo need some form of control , i remember years ago high up on the pennines in snow tracking foxes with my terriers seeing lots of cat tracks long long way from any habitation .
  2. arrived wednesday last week no house martins yet though ,
  3. i used air arms for years & was very happy with them ,untill i tried the jsb i wont be going back to AA as there was allways too many damaged pellets as said them jsb drop quarry good & hard in my opinion
  4. ive been in the building game for years allways passing work on to my so called m8s ,since being out of work not a single fecker has been in touch or contacted me i will never pass jobs on again , i had a driver for 10 years fishing in the gambia twice a year ,i put one of his daughters through nurseing school paid all the fees for her , then last time i went he demanded £600 to fix his van i said i didnt have the money ,he shaved all his hair off in range ,so i gave him a piece of my mind lol ive had begging letters ever since . but ..i will do owt for anyone & same as lots here fed less
  5. h&n was terrible in mine but different barrels like different pellets as we all know , only way is target testing each brand ?
  6. just thinking ,i was useing aa field in my s410 im on the jsb in my rapids
  7. i doubt you would miss , jsb are a supeb pellet ,i even got moxy onto them & that lad can shoot hes happy with them too ,it will be interesting to hear micks views he shoots hell of a lot
  8. interesting i ust checked my pellet of choice , jsb jumbo heavy diabolo 18.13 gr all seem perfect ,, best pellet i have ever used i hope the quality dont go crap on them
  9. i sold up 2 years go before my heart bypass in case things went wrong lol (it did ha ha ) i really miss my canaries singing there heads off ,i bought a big cage from a car boot last week but bloody hell trying to buy a good cock bird is like trying to find a needle in a haystack , i miss my peking robins a lot they are cheeky characters the price of them now is mental , i sold 143 birds in total i got £110
  10. bunny tickler


    if your on certain medication that dont help
  11. who needs france with fish like this on your doorstep awesome fish
  12. bunny tickler


    quick relief for calf cramp grab yer big toe & pull it back towards yourself
  13. ring 202 on your o2 mobile you will get sorted by english person
  14. damn o2 ,i was paying £15 a month then my bills started getting £21? i thought hmm i must be useing more minutes after a couple of bills i phoned the o2 guru ,somewhere in outer mongolia or pakistan lol & was duly informed my 12 month contract had ran out & it reverted back to the old £21 tariff , thanks for letting me know ! so i arranged a new tariff of £13 a month ,hey ho bills just come yes £16 a month not £13 as agreed so im onto them now lol got an english mush on the other end & he tells me i hardly use my minutes barely 100 a month & i didnt need to pay more th
  15. bloody struggling got a iphone4 took the pics but it says no pictures taken ? maybe email you them if you pm me yer addy
  16. Wouldn't mind see your scrimshaw pieces if you could get some pics up Love all that stuff yes i will try i broke my camera but will see if i can do it on my phone
  17. there can be only one captain ahab lol gregory peck excels as him i love the film ,also i have a very early edition of the old man & the sea book the film with spencer tracy is superb ,i have a collection of scrimshaw (4 carved whales teeth ) the old whalers carved them during the long trips at sea ,,
  18. never seen a man who didnt cry watching little house on the prairie , if you didnt you was tough
  19. excellent gun the s410 i gave mine to my lad he killed hell of a lot of bunnies with it too deadly accurate
  20. awesome pics kay are they taken by your good self
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