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bunny tickler

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Everything posted by bunny tickler

  1. not happy fuji .i will put up more fox pix thats all im interested in really ;
  2. trust me they was around in the 70s lake district area ,, probably all dead now & never bred
  3. mooched out to try the camera today to be honest its nowhere near as good as my lumix ,damn it im going to get it repaired , took some pics then a vixen showed but not clear at all admittadly probably me but i wish i hadnt bought it
  4. are you taking the pics through the glass windows in your house ,?
  5. you could give me all the free lecy in the world & £5000 a year i still wouldnt have one anywhere near me the countryside is for beauty to be admired not bloody great white monsters to see each to his own though
  6. black and gold cd9 different sizes in the heavy waters sometimes flourescent gold outffishes them fire tiger is another good colour
  7. lol rapalas murder them in good waters i had 9 on the nith in big waters ( 8 released yes fore you all start ) i kept one ,the worming lads killed all they caught
  8. so basically its all about money then ? they are a bloody eyesore how can anyone who lives in & loves the countryside like them ? mans greed again im sorry to say , very sad
  9. well hopefully after nearly 12 months with no camera as such i bought an unused fujifilm finepix s4200 ok not the best but at least im up & running again loa ds of fox pictures to come hopefully , it will tide me over untill i can afford a better camera ,lol,
  10. i detest the bloody things a total eyesore to see , they totally spoil any view ,pull the damn lot down soon as
  11. be aware if you take it to the gun shop & its over the ft lbs they will confiscate the gun unless you have a relevant fac ticket
  12. well done looks a cracking bit of water too ,could i fish there with my loomis 10ft 8wt single hander ,ive had salmon to 12lbs on it
  13. i think it would be a good idea if all the men on certain areas/housing estates took turns in pairs or groups to patrol the places they live , no violence needed just to let the scroats be aware of the presence ive asked around my area but no ones interested . a posh estate nearby has burglars day & night but last week a copper had his house robbed & all 3 cars stolen off his drive , things have changed there now ha ha , cop cars patrolling all the time & setting up neighbourhood watch ps a cop in manchester saw a young asian lad driving the new merc wearing gloves lol so they
  14. i end up doing everyones lawn for free
  15. nearly as good as a greased up muddler in a good wave
  16. i caught on them useing a floating line and long leader cast across the wind so the line formed a bow and the lure travelled in an arc they are ok at times but for me no better than a good lure or cats whisker maybe on on fry bashing fish
  17. i said it before lol you know your growing old when your planting veg instead of flowers
  18. i just cant do with interfereing fools , we once set a fox snareline high on the moors walked for miles to do it , when we got back we sat down for a well deserved brew ,,knock knock on the door ... local smartarse birdwatcher ,had the lot in his hand saying excuse me do these belong to you he moved out of the area a few weeks later im told
  19. best part of any holliday is comeing home for me lol 2 weeks too long 7 days too short 10 days just fine ,
  20. as a youngster interested in birds (feathered ) the hoopoe was my dream , first time i went to africa i saw plenty ,it was great pity not on english soil lol
  21. as above i have seen some fantastic sights but never been able to get the pics , one was ,, i had a old nest box covered in clematis as i looked at it 5 mice poked their heads out at once to look at me ,another was a merlin hitting a wheatear 10ft off me as i was laid on the moor just before dusk ,,,too many to mention but none ever forgotten
  22. cracking looking dogs cant fault them ,, great pics keith
  23. value for money gun as said .. i bought the complete set up as new for £250 , lots of messing to get the mags spot on , sold it after 3 weeks ,as im a rapid man & nothing touches them lol
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