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bunny tickler

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Everything posted by bunny tickler

  1. i saw a similar thing with a mink grabbing a mallard but the mink let go about 3ft up awesome to watch
  2. in the bad winters a couple of years ago you could drive over the tops of the walls it was that bad poor bunnies starved to death when the snow melted there was dead rabbits in the entrances of lots of burries you have to feel sorry for the poor creatures ,1000s dead they came back as they do but never in the numbers as before , i remember lads shooting 300+ and throwing them in the stink pits ,them days are gone ,in less than a decade they are down by 75 pr cent with modern keepering ,box traps & nv its the begging of the end ,,it will be a sad day when that happens
  3. i was tarpon fishing in cuba with this mega rich barrister guy money no object ,, he bought a top camera & i took pics as he played the fish ,, in some of the pics i dont know how he did it ,but the reflection in the tarpons eye showed the boatman on the skiff ,it was truly awesome i wish i had a copy to show it
  4. sikhs will sort their own problems out they wont stand for pakis rapeing their girls & nothing will be reported about it either
  5. dogs well marked obviously up to his job nice pics cant fault him
  6. to be perfectly honest as i stated before , i have travelled around the world including most of the muslim countries ,i have been treated with respect & given respect in return ,including paying for education to my friends children (muslim ) BUT i object to this shower of thieving rapeing shower of shite young new muslims ruining this ,my .our country with no respect for us at all they WANT to take this once proud country off us to turn it into another 3rd world shithole like the ones they think they came from , admittedly theres good & bad ,but they arnt doing a good job of showi
  7. excellent traps & pics ,i had a lifelong collection of old traps ,like a fool a so called friend of mine asked me if i had any ,i gave him most i had as i thought im not going to use them again ... they was put on ebay shortly after
  8. i have read every thread .& you still stick up for them nothing changes my opinion of you
  9. pt how the hell can you stick up for this shower of rapists & peados you should be ashamed to be british you are a feckin disgrace to the country, this forum unless you agree to whats going on now make your decision either kiddy fiddler peado lover or true brit own up or feck off
  11. just watching a programme about puppy farms in america ,ive never felt so sick at the cruelty ,how some people can sink so low , a homicide detective said he saw more terrible sights at puppy farms than on the streets of the cities he worked ,, i would love a job sorting these sort of dog peddlars to book
  12. Yes and all in a few short years, two or three, this does seam like a worrying trend, I have some ground that still has lots, but everytime I visit my heart is in my mouth, hoping the dreaded myxy does not strike, but as said rabbits are the ultimate survivor, and their fecundity is such that I expect they will bounce back, one farm I have been shooting on for 30 years or more used to have a decent amount, and come october there were some lovely little three/four hole sets to train the young ferrets, that always held a bunny or three, but now everyone is a fu*king badger set My mates back hom
  13. i was on the top beat of the welsh dee ,llangollen anglers stretch miles away from anywhere stood waist deep salmon fishing , feck me i nearly jumped out of my skin when a EA bailiff asked to see my license beggar waded in & crept up like a ninja behind me
  14. awesome paulus awesome thanks for posting
  15. hows about a waistcoat .put it over your jacket ? best thing i ever bought ,with a multitude of pockets
  16. in all reality my idea of a closed season was a volountry stop for a good few months by the hunting lads who generally as a rule are true sportsmen & know about wildlife & nature to let the numbers build in barren areas, of course other folks with lots on their perms will still keep killing as wanted by the farmers & it has to be done ,
  17. its a lot nearer to derby itself than the peak district of derbyshire really sorry i couldnt help
  18. look at it this way ,rabbits breed well in early months , then silageing starts lads lamp & nv them . lots killed , haymakeing crop cutting lands wide open again ,lads lamping shooting hawking nv shooting snareing trapping list is endless , poor old thumper dont get time to recover , probs only may june they get a bit of a rest , then it all starts again
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