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Everything posted by bobkizzyhugo

  1. looking at those pictures in the link quite a few look to have very round short feet
  2. seem to have very untidy/poor feet. have seen one that didnt like to walk across gravel because it had skin condition on feet
  3. ingles bull terriers thunder rock kennels. he startd breeding the alaunts aswell
  4. i know i lad here who has a couple of them. just txt him, will let u know
  5. my bitch wont run properly with any other dogs near. she just follows and stays back. anybody else have a dog that does this? got a mate who runs his dogs double and there lethal together, slower dog always makes the catch on the turn.
  6. havnt been on here for a while the sites changed abit in looks but i see the bit@hing stil the same. so whats the date of the lurcher day at the midland game fair? how much is it per day this year? whose started already this year? i had just begun walking the fields again 2 weeks ago, got a big buck. cracking course that ended yards from me. went to ava look around at my local golf course last week and theyve got myxi and my bitch is now in season. so a promising start. going to pick up a clulite lamp and battery at the fair cos my lazerlite was forever failing me. i gone start my dog on reds
  7. ye. i knew this would be the case when they got it. happens alot.
  8. dog pup about 4 months old needs jabs. had 1st one at 8 weeks but not second.i no its not a worker but mite be a good yard dog or pet. happy and playful just needs a home. not my dog, family who got it have lost interest already an want it gone. 20 quid for a healthy pup pm if interested located in wirral. black and tan, short coat.
  9. thanks for the advice, i'm goin to go for the clulite after alredy having had a striker with problems.
  10. tb25 he made a handle 2" wide to match the collar. ive had a 12" lenght of chain attatched to it with a clip.
  11. just want to say thankyou to strong stuff. bought a collar for my bulldog off him this week. its great better than i expected. and he made me a handle to match. didnt cost much more than a good collar from a petshop. but i definatley cant see the dog breaking this set. and will be getting my other dogs kitted with his stuff soon.
  12. do the right thing!!! buy yaself sum nets . i'd give it back but if times are hard dog eat dog
  13. ye same problem with tha ciggi lighter. straight in the bin.
  14. night stalker 220 is around 90quid with p+p. does anyone else think these lamps are over priced for what they are?
  15. part of the reason i askd is because i had problems with bad connections/ brittle wire with my striker and didt really want the same problems. infuriating getting to permission getting one run before lamp packs up. rewired it myself and was great, but shudnt of had to.
  16. lightforce it is then. anyone know of any cheap outlets?
  17. i got a bullmastiff from a recsue after we got robbed. soft as fek [bANNED TEXT] me an great [bANNED TEXT] all my dogs. savaged the rotty guard dog from the yard next door after it came wandering, but got hold of a delivery driver one day. paid him off but police got involved in the end an got pts
  18. get down to youre local pound for a guard dog. happy to have a home an cost next to nothing. plenty of big dogs about at the moment
  19. i'm after a new lamp. had a lightforce 170 until dog got hold of it. i was just going to replace it like for like, but before i do, what other makes/models do you rate? are the ucaller just as good?
  20. theres an entire saluki dog in Birkenhead pound. looked older than 14 months. think thats abit of a long way from you though to be youres. never no maybe sumone elses on here.
  21. I wouldnt trust the police. they may act as if they are on youre side but they just wait till you make a wrong statement and use it against you. don't talk to them without a solicitor present and if unsure about a question youre being asked just 'no comment' incase you put youre foot in it and give a wrong answer.
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