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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. I've been watching the bloody news and forgot it was on. Was it any good.
  2. Never mind whether the dog bites or not, thats one hell of a deterant! That dog looks every ounce of a painfull death! He ant no softy thats for shure he was only about 13/14 months when that picture was took.
  3. police station in handsworth has gone up in flames.
  4. My cousion phoned me he said birmingham town center is a right mess.
  5. There have been reports of looting now in birmingham.
  6. Do you not give your dogs a wipe down when you put them in the kennel after working them?
  7. this was the pallisades earlier.
  8. she's looking good mate.
  9. Smart water is something that is used in the security industry. Usually in banks and cash transit vehicles etc. If you set off an alarm it also sets off a "fire extinguisher" system but the water coming out is mixed with an infra red die what shows up under infra red lights and it cant be washed off. The police still have to catch the criminal before they can test him. Also im not sure its possible or feasable to use in a back garden. thats a dye cannister mate,diffrent all together..that just explodes and makes the cash useless if you try to open the security bag or box.also covers you
  10. 1st picture he is about 14/15 months, 2nd picture he is about 9 months, 3rd picture he is about 9 weeks.
  11. Maybe with tobbacco added,never neat however,the dutch have done intensive research,no one has ever died from THC ingestion. I think there has been one death attributed to T.H.C intoxication.
  12. I wanted the bloke to try and stroke it i was waiting for him to put his hnd out and stroke in when it was lying down.
  13. i like the dog in the 4th picture. whats his breeding?
  14. you wouldn't be saying that if you saw the speed he can reverse park!
  15. well your bound to get it right now and again
  16. make shure it's room temperature (not straight out of the frige) season with salt and pepper. Rub oil on the steak then put it in a very hot pan cook it for 60 seconds each side don't move it around the pan. Take it out and let it rest for a few minuts then eat.
  17. jim your sound as f**k mate and after saturday i no your a "sessioner" of the highest order :toast: f**k me mate ive got to worry about pissing over one of the maddest blokes in towns staircase when i was drunk out of my face that night :laugh: im never gonna live that down so dont worry mate we all f**k up now and again, trust me id rather be in your shoes atleast you can just log off :laugh: :thumbs: ps get yourself over again ASAP :thumbs: glad to see your back on jim. have you seen him since ste
  18. it went round the police car 3/4 times before she got it they never put none of that on tho was you there? just read the thread properly, i bet your arse was twitching when you seen the dog running towards the police. who was the lad that put his leg out to try and trip the dog up lol it would have been mate i didn't know it was the police until i got back to the car, the support officer was sayin come on lad come ere your dog here i thought it was a daft farmer and was tellin him to jog on until i noticed he had a radio and headset and was threatening to arrest me, was proper
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