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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. I use to have a few of those pre-recorded ones, they were quite funny.
  2. But what if he thinks i've seen them on here cheeper if i ask for a discount.
  3. I might have been intrested. Phone him then.......... Can't now he said that no one off this site can have one. Just say you seen it on Gumtree then......... i can't afford them prices.
  4. I might have been intrested. Phone him then.......... Can't now he said that no one off this site can have one.
  5. I've got one (not the veribale) on the 3rd night out the switch fell off. So not the gratest build quality.
  6. Have you been telling people those collie cross pups are bull crosses. lol

    1. Bogger


      lol it nearly worked

  7. I feed mine last thing at night, but if im taking the dogs out i'll give them a small meal a few hours before.
  8. He's had about 15 in the day and a few on the lamp. I haven't done much lamping with him yet im going to start him off properly in a few weeks.
  9. Here you go, he's about 26/27" tts .
  10. Sounds good mate, i hope it all goes well for you.
  11. Two fifteen year old girls were pepper sprayed beat up and robbed in phpe hayes (not far from aston) earlier this evening. It looks like they have started randomly attacking and robbing people on the street.
  12. A police offecer has been shoot at in aston.
  13. Get in touch with your local tax office and apply for a c.i.s card they will explain what you have to do from there.
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