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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. put the pic the right way up for you i hope you gey her back
  2. hope he kept a few back for him self to put on e-bay
  3. hi is ur dogs now mate did there heads go or are the just the sme pal?? have I accidently changed the language setting on my laptop or what????? im struggleing to understand them aswell.
  4. good luck mate, i hope she makes a full recovery
  5. just seen that german shepherd i think thats the worse example of the breed ive ever seen.
  6. i had one when i was about 9 i loved it until i shoot my self in the leg with a dart. my mom wernt to pleasd when i showed her my leg she didant even know i had it.
  7. heres mine bullx bull collie grey x whippet grey
  8. nurse Annie Wilkes .. misery beat me to it
  9. thats kathy bates in misery cant remember the characters name tho
  10. bill (david carradine) kill bill elle driver (daryl hannah) kill bill mr blonde (micheal maddison) reservoir dogs
  11. my older dog does it now and again. my pup dose it every fukin time he pisses
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