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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. i tried stem ginger earlier today it didant work im going to try im going to give him half a tablet (sea legs) see how he goes.
  2. id say its seen a lot single haned work
  3. it wasent to bad, nothing that could be helped i had a good day. i will down again in a few weeks ill bring toby next time.
  4. ive got to go on a long trip on puplic transport in a few days with my pup 10/11 months old. ive been taking him on short trips with a walk after for a few weeks now but after a few munites hes still sick. i think i will try something natural befor i use medication.
  5. has any body ever used travel sicness tablets for there dogs? is it safe? if not is there any think else i can do to stop my dog from bieing sick?
  6. shurley social services or some other authority should intervine to stop this selfish prick.
  7. i bet you get some looks in your local park.
  8. yeh its called Rodniks Absinthe Google it wouldn't that just get you pissed. I should say so at 85% proof, but they wouldn't bother to check your piss
  9. yeh its called Rodniks Absinthe Google it wouldn't that just get you pissed.
  10. when was the last time you smoked it and when is the test?
  11. its an irish channel http://www.tv3.ie cheers
  12. by tv3 do you mean itv or is it an irish channel
  13. sound mate i will defantley be down again soon

  14. pulp fiction, jules
  15. i like this site because.... some of the threads are very informative. some of the threads on here have me in stitches. some of the people on here are very funny. i have met some deacent people of here. i enjoy reading about peoples days out, especialy people from other countries that i probably would have never known anything about ir it wernt on here. i dont like this site because.... it can make us hunters look bad when idiots post stupid things. you can easaly be dramn into stupuid aguments that you wouldent usualy bother with.
  16. i was going to have a few more weeks on the lamp with my pup but he has injured his foot and is layed up for a few weeks.so ill wait till next season now.
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