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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. i keep mine in the house but i would kennel them if i could. I do see mine as pets as well as working dogs. If they were kenneld i think i would see them diffrent witch i would prefer as i think it would be easer when you lose one.
  2. i payed £120 for my older dog at 14 months and £75 for my pup at 8 weeks.
  3. never seen the appeal of the fens. day time i'd rather see dogs hunting up any type of ground.
  4. chase and status's new album "no more idols" high contrast afex twin alex reece
  5. rocky do you put your avatar on from photobucket?
  6. Leave the guy alone, he's away to his timeshare, I mean apartment
  7. dotty i am seeing your new avatar
  8. has to be runforyourlife.
  9. he put a few threads up of his whippet ratting.they were some of the best pictures ive seen on here
  10. chester's dogs look very nice in his pictures. magwitch has some very good pictsures aswell.
  11. yea they did.bombed his house but he was outside sleeping in a tent. thought i seen a program about it cheers mate.
  12. brillant pictures mate, the black and white one on the second post looks like an nice place where is it?
  13. didant the yanks kill his daughter years ago aswell?
  14. i wached a program on that 85 final earlyer looked a brillant mach. taylor did amazing to come back after first session.
  15. i would rather see trump hes played better than higgins all tornament imo, that semi with ding was brilliant.
  16. theres a lot of people on here willing to slag another man's dog to people they don't know
  17. Woah mate, now your making YOURSELF look like a c**t. Whoa hang on now! I wasn't advocating he go in to the station and spill his guts about his own business! I was thinking along the line of..... perhaps an anonymous phonecall, from a 'concerned local' who saw 'Mr X' shooting 'protected songbirds' or 'possibly poaching' on a 'certain bit of land'. etc. He should stitch the fuckers right up if they are pinching permissions and abusing the trust of someone who helped them. It'd serve the fuckers right if they lost their guns and got fined. so that makes it ok does it ff
  18. id have to say scoby doo the c**t is always is always turning his tail and the gang still take him out every time.
  19. buster 8789


    no baw its about a saluki x grey x collie grey Missed out the bull mate, gret for spped, saluki for stamina, collie for feet and bull for brindle coat.... I'm tellin you, its the future!!!! when should we expect the litter and will any be up for sale? Litter all ready in production, 10 year waiting list mate, £5 to get on waiting list......... pm sent
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