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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. I can explain......that was a fancy dress party where judge got a bit hands on and i had to slap him. When he stopped crying he apologised and bought me a drink..... explain this one then that judge sent me when he was invted for dinner at yours.
  2. lab and judge aftrer lab went too far.
  3. that's what i would do. I'm inclined to agree, it's always hard but I would put up a bit of a fight for her at least. Oh dont get me wrong if i had the dog a bit longer, say 4 months and i felt i had trained it to some degree then i'm afraid it would be mine. After 6 weeks i'd take my money back and get another dog, sometimes its just not worth the aggro..... thats what i would be thinking, would it be worth the aggro. Telling him he can have the dog back but he will have too pay for what has been put into the dog over the past few weeks seems like an easy way to sort it out all t
  4. you see children, this it why you shouldent do drugs!
  5. Nutrient film technique Buster?I used to grow tomatoes in 604's outdoors abroad with an external res topped up with an automatic valve and float from an old toilet,good results,might work for tobbacco as the veg growth with hydro always surpasses soil. that's the one mate, there a f*****g nightare if you ask me too susceptiable to disease and too much maintence.But if you get the conditions and right nuteient and ph balance they fly up with high yields.
  6. About 100g per plant Just waiting for the posty now sound mate, might give it a go my self
  7. No different to growing tobacco. Only about 5 year inside...... Lol or a £ fine how many plants was that for, hypothetically speaking of course.....;-) maybe 5 in a n.f.t set up in a 2.4 x 1.6 tent hypothetically of course
  8. does anyone know what yield 1 tabacco plant would give.
  9. No different to growing tobacco. Only about 5 year inside...... Lol or a £ fine
  10. not the best picture but i think this dog has got good feet
  11. i had it a few times it's nice if it's cooked right (curried). I haven't got a clue how to cook it propley though ive only ever had it at mates houses. edited to add: ive never had a nice one from a cafe or takeaway.
  12. eastenders isn't on wednesday's any way it's coronation st and emmerdale tonight.
  13. I knew a guy who imported it from Indonesia,I used to get 20kg sacks from him at very good prices,his firm used to be called "Cavemans" dont know if he is still in business however?Be interesting to see how your crop flourishes Bulldoug. just had a search on google he has a shop online his is cheper than "vintage bat guano" .
  14. try useing "vintage bat guano" works well with other non native plants.
  15. i got mine done at the vets i could have done it my self but for £60 i didant think it was worth the risk. i wont be geting any boosters tho.
  16. send it to me in a e-mail ill put it up
  17. ill keep an eye out. have you got any pictures of it.
  18. in baw's thread, 5 members to dinner
  19. heres mine collie,bull,grey x whipet,grey
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