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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. It's not wings in Sudbury. But I was on e6
  2. There's a halal option in every jail. But not all the meat is halal
  3. lol I was in Sudbury January. It wasn't like that then
  4. No you never. Not all the food is halal.
  5. Can you get sky sports on virgin?
  6. I pay £87 for all the channels, free evening and weekend calls and unlimited internet.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00mry8v
  8. http://www.garden4less.co.uk/muckboot-tay-sport-neoprene-wellies-moss.asp I just got a pair of these and they are very comfortable.
  9. From what i hear they usually grow and flower quite well outside in our climate.
  10. Sad news, R.I.P Craigyboy.
  11. Get well soon craigyboy and all the best to your family.
  12. If you've just started The job, your feet will soon get use to it.
  13. Heres a bit of trainwreck. Just out of curiosity how much would that little pile fetch..................... On average street value is £200 a oz theres about 15-20 oz wet there, you'll lose about a third drying out, get your abacus out lab. Incidentley that pile is nothing to do with me, I'm 100% straight. If thats fresh then you would probably lose more like two thirds when its dry. According how dry you wanted it. If it was being punted on the street it would probably not be dried at all.
  14. Heres a bit of trainwreck. Just out of curiosity how much would that little pile fetch..................... On average street value is £200 a oz theres about 15-20 oz wet there, you'll lose about a third drying out, get your abacus out lab. Incidentley that pile is nothing to do with me, I'm 100% straight. If thats fresh then you would probably lose more like two thirds when its dry.
  15. i hope not!! Could be worse pal, Alex Mcleash is a free agent.. has he defo gone mate???? They both have mate. http://www.dailymail...arren-Bent.html http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/18073446 FFS i no whats gonna happen here No one deserves that c**t. not even villa for another season :whistling: I wouldn't even wish him on them again.
  16. i hope not!! Could be worse pal, Alex Mcleash is a free agent.. has he defo gone mate???? They both have mate. http://www.dailymail...arren-Bent.html http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/18073446 FFS i no whats gonna happen here No one deserves that c**t.
  17. I think that series is embarrassing, it makes him look a right fool. what series is that mate???? i was watching "rise of the foot soldiers" clips on youtube and this came up in related videos but never heard of him before that?? It's on crime sky ch 555 monday nights.
  18. I think that series is embarrassing, it makes him look a right fool.
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