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Everything posted by tandors

  1. tandors


    Do chiropractors actually work? I've read that it was dreamt up in the 1800s and is seen by the medical profession as quackery and does more harm than good?
  2. Blaming the British empire is pretty ridiculous, people have been conquered for power and resources since time began, only this time we have been conquered from the inside, I can't think of anytime in history where the rulers have actively gone out to wipe out their own people and a lot of the people are cheering it on with their white saviour complex. Didn't the irish, Welsh, Norse and Scottish all join together to wipe out the English 1000 years or so ago and can I blame that for the state of the country now?
  3. Come on mate this mongrel nation talk has been debunked plenty of times. Various Northern European tribes coming into Britain over last few thousand years that's about it.
  4. Valley uprising is good too if you're into climbing
  5. Another thing I'm not understanding is why all those people who love Europe so much just don't go and live in Europe?
  6. Even when everyone is a delightful coffee colour and all worship dawkins, there will still be wars and conflicts, rich and poor people. What the useful idiots the white liberals don't seem to get is that the world is and always will be tribal.
  7. Copying and pasting remain literature doesn't quite cut it as producing old bean. Plus it's all completely irrelevant because the vote has taken place and leave won.
  8. Is cognitive dissonance something that can be sent? Couldn't really follow the rest of that post, maybe just call everyone gammon in future it's more effective.
  9. Sandymere I get where you are coming from but you are on thl, you're in the wrong echo chamber mate. You've only got to get through the weekend, James O'Brian will be back on Monday be more your scene.
  10. If any skills are in short supply surely that is the host countries problem for not educating its indigenous population properly, as opposed to bringing in potentially skilled workers from abroad such as Africa which in reality is detrimental to their country's of origin. If we benefit, they lose with the brain drain, making their poverty worse and relying on foreign aid instead of their brightest helping raise their standard of living.
  11. I'd go as far as saying that it's not ideologies that are at fault, it's multiculturalism and over population. I reckon even socialism or God forbid communism could work comfortably in a low population homogeneous society, somewhere like Iceland for example.
  12. I honestly believe there will be high levels of white flight from nations such as the UK and USA to eastern Europe over the course of the next half century.
  13. This is why nationalism is on the rise in eastern Europe, because they see what's happening in places like the UK with multiculturalism and liberalism.
  14. To be fair born, you have said you laugh at conspiracies, then immediately you say the war in middle East is about oil and not a war on terror. Is that not something of a conspiracy too?
  15. Timbuktu, where every race came to get books...
  16. I can't rationalise any other reason it's happening other than the ethnicity of the perpetrators. They have proven themselves over the centuries in every part of the world they have inhabited to be incapable of living in civility.
  17. So a young english girl was killed in an unprovoked attack in what they are speculating was a gang initiation killing and they are suggesting now that it's because schools are excluding students and giving them no futures lol.
  18. Watch you don't get banned from social media Kanny, telling people to learn to code.
  19. Cant see location on mobile site mate
  20. Used to love rap as an angsty teenager. Cringe inducing seeing white middle class whoppers in england vibing out to it thinking they can some how relate to it lol.
  21. Probably just me but I don't find that Jonathan pie funny in the slightest.
  22. Exactly which is why no deal won't be an option. Will be remain or some half baked deal which is remain in all but remain.
  23. I think as soon as our lot said they didn't want a no deal then we didn't have a good starting point for negotiations.
  24. Won't happen. EU won't budge from their bully boy position, our MPs don't want it. I can see a second referendum this time with even more remain propaganda. And you're right with regard to James o Brian he's some kind of remainer saint.
  25. The only thing to be sure of is that we won't leave with no deal.
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