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Everything posted by tandors

  1. Finally managed to get out this morning with the lures, only a small schoolie and a sea trout. Hooked them before but never landed.
  2. All jokes aside I'm all for live and let live but taking the kids in town and forgetting its gay pride and having to shield a 4 year old from seeing men wearing thongs, covered in glitter and all over each other isn't right in my opinion. And suggesting anyone who objects to it is a closet queer is pretty sad.
  3. Had a few short sessions this week got a few out, only fish lures and it seems tricky getting conditions right in yorkshire, slight bit of wind and water colours up.
  4. Isnt mike Graham the bloke who was ranting saying anyone saying nasty things to Rashford on twitter should be excommunicated from society?
  5. I have a pair of grubs, comfy but didn't last a year before splitting.
  6. How come I never see any of these activists at all the new build industrial estates and housing developments concreting over the green belt and habitats?
  7. I sowed a wildflower mix in a little patch this year seems to be doing OK bar a few weeds although the poppies have struggled, seem to have a fungus causing a lot of the buds to drop off but still has lots of bees and insects around the patch.
  8. Clematis is a climber so would need a trellis or some structure to climb up.
  9. In all honesty the daiwa ninja reels are pretty cheap and perfect for bass lure fishing, I'd spend more on a decent rod personally.
  10. I was out yesterday, 50 min trek over boulders to a mark to find a full seal colony laid out on it lol, water still pretty coloured up here and ultimately blanked. Hopefully back out at the weekend.
  11. Same, I only ever used single bank sticks, but then I only really fished smaller snaggy pools.
  12. Nice fishing mate, were they on cranks or plastics?
  13. Isn't this the bloke who mr bean beat in judo?
  14. Definitely has it's place, dropshot, but I much prefer the ned, seems to sort out a better stamp in my opinion.
  15. Yeah pretty good, wife got me it for Christmas, can't compare it to any of the others mentioned as not used them before.
  16. I've got a g shock one, tells steps etc links to app on smartphone
  17. Criminal pulling places like that down.
  18. I had the same, try using chrome.
  19. Quoting for the love of thumb fatigue.
  20. Is there a possibility that the spike in deaths for 2020 was a case of covid19 harvesting people who were on the way out anyway and that there will be a corresponding lowering of death rates in the upcoming year?
  21. Yeah and Jackie Chan playing Henry VIII
  22. I think a lot of people are not exactly pro trump/right wing etc, but they are anti status quo woke beurocrats etc. A lot of people sniping at trump must just be being contrary for the sake of it. The left wing continues to eat itself, with left wing liberals of previous years being seen as right wing fascists by the liberals of today and so the centre ground now, at least socially is pretty much left wing and there is no safe space left for normal socially conservative people whether rich or poor to turn. That's why trump gets voted it, Brexit happens and the Tories hoover up previously labou
  23. Hornsea isn't too bad, withernsea not so much.
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