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Everything posted by tandors

  1. I would rather live next to conservative muslims than druggie wannabe rap star blacks any day of the week.
  2. Add hull to that list a 13 year old sexually assaulted over weekend by asains not the first won't be the last.
  3. Claims to be Iranian Muslim nationalist...... Lives in Britain.
  4. Take every muslim out ot britain tomorrow and we are still heading toward demographic ruin. The unspeakable truth is that race does matter, it always has, it has just been drilled into western civilisation since the 60s that it doesn't. Throughtout the world it is only white majority countries who don't think racially and as a group, every group wants to gain more power over others, look at china basically colonising africa no one says a word because both are perceived as minorites or whatever, when in reality it is whites who are the global minority by a huge margin.
  5. Quater bull do you dislike jews after they killed jesus?
  6. English azov anyone lol?
  7. Hoss confessed under torture.
  8. Just read the links i put on previous page the 6 million figure is clearly an exageration there is no physical proof of extermination the deaths easily linked to typhoid.
  9. http://www.rense.com/general62/meth.htm light reading http://rense.com/general69/factua.htm appraisal of holocaust by red cross
  10. To be fair there are 2 sides to every story i'm sure the grievances the germans had from the jews was more than hitler didn't like them because his art teacher was a jew and said he was rubbish. After ww1 jews took over the vast majority of banking and businesses of course they were resented. Jews practice usury which is incidently against christian and islamic law and the nazis banned this. Plus they were a driving force behind the degredation of german society in the 30s with pornography etc.Jews declared war against nazi germany in1933. Don't forget jews and being resented goes through hist
  11. look upHaavara the transfer policy hitler signed to allow jews to transfer their money and assets over to palestine and form israel. Big step from telling them to leave and take their stuff to just exterminating them all.
  12. What abiut the holodomor? 10million+ white christian ukranians killed by bolshevik jews by mass starvation when is spielberg making a film about that?
  13. I was only joking I didn't even watch it so can't comment. Too busy catching up on banana and cucumber on 4od.
  14. I wonder if he lived today wether he would regret not accepting the peace offerings from germany and focussed on beating the bigger danger of marxism.
  15. Mexico? In the usa don't they see the beaners how we see muslims?
  16. Charlie hebdo free speach went as far as pushing to get front national banned, only gone as far as gaining them more votes lol.
  17. http://www.tradyouth.org/2015/01/can-kosher-nationalists-save-the-west/ Stumbled on this, a good, if a bit lengthy article on what is happening to Europe according to whoever traditional youth are lol.
  18. the worry is that these attacks will result in more foreign wars at the command of international zionists. These events, to me, highlight Islam is in a religious war against what they perceive as their enemies, the zionists and their useful idiots the west.
  19. Obviously it is a massive over reaction but we don't really have freedom of speech any way like i said people get jail over offending people on twitter yet other people can offend people and not expect any reaction? Thry are offending people for offendings sake to appear edgy.
  20. Brigzy my point wasn't justifying them being killed but surely freedom of speech is one thing but offending people is another. For example start goose stepping and saluting in many parts of europe and you offend people you get sent to prison. People have been jailed for tweets yet because these were left wing they could go about offending people with the backing of the establishment only muslims don't tend to bend over and laugh at someone taking piss out of their holiest figure. Their actions were clearly over the top. We are at a crossroads due to the hipocrisy of liberalism and diversity be
  21. Harsh what happened wouldn't want it to happen to anyone but these weren't innocent children they were political activists. Ak47s and roxket launchets on a european capital's streets this is getting out of hand, brought about thanks to policies and ideologies that these cartoonists themselves held. This was done by 3 blokes realistically if a few thousand of them did it in citiesacross the country what could anyone do?
  22. At the end of the day these hardcore leftists cartoonists hated nationalism and were pro immigration, and the act of them getting killed by muslim immigrants will ultimately aid the nationalists of front national to rise in popularity even more.
  23. Lab you would be banged up for life no doubt about it. I think the idea is that we accept it and stop moaning. No doubt their politicans will do what ours did when lee rigby got killed and instantly state that islam is a tolerant religion and that we musn't let the far right use it as propaganda.
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