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Everything posted by tandors

  1. I am trans gender and trans racial. Oh and trans ageist/ agefluid, I'm a 65 year old black woman and I want to claim my pension.
  2. Wasn't the main reason that the bloke who did in jo cox was because his 3 bed council house what he had lived in all his life with his grandma due to be given to a foreign family or something?
  3. And who is in control greyman? Reported for being an anti Semite.
  4. Isn't there some big cover up in United States now incriminating clintons and all sorts of high flying satanic nonces. Look at pizza gate on YouTube truly disturbing if true.
  5. Street lights going off lol happens to me loads I googled it and it is sliding or some mumbo jumbo. Number I seem to see is 8 or 88 probably load of old rubbish not looked into it or thought about it until this thread.
  6. White English kids trying to relate to black American tripe can't think of anything cringier.
  7. Could be abc cables mate 3 phase.
  8. Isn't degenerate behaviour more prevalent the more urbanised a population is. I'm sure there was a study with rats, the higher density population of rats the more they degenerated even though they had enough shelter, food and water, started being gay rats and killing each other.
  9. But they can have fertile offspring?
  10. So.... Roach and bream are different species Coyotes and wolves are different species Both can breed and we are witnessing a new species developing. Africans and Europeans are the same species just different skin colour?
  11. Africans and Europeans are the same apart from skin colour hahahahaha
  12. Not sure if related but someone tried my mam's garage Wednesday day night in Sutton, cut off the padlock but didn't get in.
  13. I did a long weekend up Lomond the other week went up ptarmigan ridge back down the less steep way and passed that Danny macaskill and his pal carrying their bikes up to ride down ptarmigan ridge.
  14. Look at all the European football teams especially England and France full of blacks. Get it accepted culturally, in the football teams and on the tv shows and it becomes a reality. Every advert and programme shows mixed race couples.
  15. Over 90% of houses in hull suffered bomb damage, my grandads sister, her husband and 5 year old son were killed in the hull blitz.
  16. Sleeping around is for degenerates, always best to get a bird at a young age and stick with her rather than putting it about and ending up making do with a bird in her 30s with a trashed pussy and someone else's kids. Baby boomers and their swinging 60s have a lot to answer for.
  17. as if people still insist they are poor refugees and not rapefugees, apparently Japan let in 27 refugees and they have already formed a rape gang, 2 Turks arrested lol.
  18. Read up on fascism, what it actually means and stands for and try and find a single thing you disagree with, then look at groups like the uaf and try and find anything you actually agree with.
  19. Poles march because they are pretty much all white Catholics, same blood and culture, we don't because we have been brought up to believe people like mo Farah/ half the England football team are the same as us. We have been killed by multi culturalism and cultural Marxism for whatever reason is debatable I know who I blame but that is just my opinion.
  20. Like in Denmark a young woman defended herself from an immigrant rapist with pepper spray and is being prosecuted for having an illegal weapon lol.
  21. Must be a good wifi connection in the jungle eh bgd.
  22. The eu is Marxist, why would Marxists want to leave?
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