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Everything posted by cooper101

  1. ive just been on suluki taking fox topic and the was a guest reading it!!! i didnt thuink they could view this forum!!
  2. ive had a simaler experiance when i was out walking my dogs!! i was asked if mine was a full lurcher, i replied well yeah suppose!! the husband then said cant be a full lurcher looks nothing like ours i tried to explian a lurcher was a name for the type of cross but he wouldnt have it so i left him to it!!
  3. thats the dog over today no more work until fully healed(min 6 weeks)!!! vets tomorrow to get a full M.O.T ready for some summer fun and next season!!

  4. not trying to say your lying mate but them two dogs look nothing like each other ones white with grey. the other is white and jet black. just my oppinion i don't think its the same dog. jon lol your the second person to doubt there the same dog!! kind of the reason i started the thread as hes changed alot physically and got darker in color!! i can see why you might think that at first glance but if you look at the markings on both the pics there identical i can put up more if your still in doubt
  5. i found the most effective bull x on all theses diffrent quarrys was a aberdeen angus!!
  6. well you sure a feck wouldnt be getting an invite back off me if you caught numbers like that when you came!! lol good luck to ya mate lovely dog!!
  7. i was assuming they were both pups!! looking back over it if the other dog is older i suggest taking them out on neutral ground and walking them together wouldnt even let them get next to each other till they both calm down(excited pups and snappy dogs are a bad combo)!! when you feel they are both comfortable let them greet each other in a controlled manner and if this goes well let them have a little play!! if the bigger dogs running like a lunatic i wouldnt bother as the pup could get injured easily at that age!!!
  8. let them get on with it dont hold them on leads and stress them!! one will soon back down and there wont be a prob a after!! keep an eye out though aso it dosent get to spiteful!!
  9. ive got the same deal going with my local shoot me and the dog beat on sat!! and sunday i can ferret the areas we did the drives through!! and i lamp it during season aswell !!
  10. took me a long time to gain the trust of my local landowners!! my first bit of permission was at a friends stables for ferreting! the more i went the more people who visited the stables were intrested in me going round and doing the ground round there houses!! i did it even though it was tiny!! but it was how i gained more and more permission eventually getting farms and random fields dotted around i have to travel through 5 fields just to get to one as theres no other route!! i can assure you the lamps allways on and off all the way there go for the smaller stuff that people wouldnt normall
  11. Probably not ..seems like he/she/it knows it all i know what i have learnd over a long time at this game and have had the best in the counrty in persuit of me ,and some crown court appereances ,that have faild for the people that took me there,i have also been set up ,and paid the price ,but learned a hell of a lot from that expereance to make sure it wont happen again ,yes i am a know it all ,well almost .perhaps that is why i seem to be left alone doing what i love doing . what ever happened to the name "Poacher" i allways belived it to be a man who could go about his work e
  12. spiderpig! you have warned people on here as to the dangers of posting and putting pics up! from your own personel experiance of this!! there are members on here that will heed your warning(i am one of them) and there are others who havent fallen vitim of it yet that think it wont happen to them!! i hope nobody does fall victim to what you have experianced on this topic!! but some people wont learn from others mistakes!!
  13. Whin im not into politics(its all corrupt ) but i will allways exercise my right to hunt and run dogs on any quarry i see fit !! no law will ever stop me from doing what i love i have backing from local landowners round my neck of the woods whos ground i use to do as i please !! all the best cooper
  14. Whin i hope you didnt take my post as mocking you!! as i wasnt i was saying i do get your opinions when i read over it properly!! how far i would go for the ?????? to hunt mate!! what was the banned text word please whin? cheers cooper
  15. i think whin has very strong opinions that not all agree on!! i feel he struggles to get his point across in some of his posts but hey FFS hes a old school hunter not a feckin English toutor so to some it might be ramblings but after i read over his posts slower i start to get his points and views!! everybodys entitled to an oppinion however good or bad!!! i must admit though the lamp comp thread got very Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  16. ask your self ,is there any thing they dont know now ,they never new before the ban .so why all the fus,the only problem is ,that it causes problems for the site ,nothing more nothing less . these sites are a learning center for antis aswell as novice hunters!! keep the shady side of hunting in the shade and we keep those who wish to learn more about are workings so they can destroy it for us in the dark!! why educate these fools and fuel there fires!!! keep it to yourselfs
  17. i think people should watch what there saying!! i know alot feel why should they?? but its for the good of all of us as this is all ammo for antis!!! if you choose to run illegal quarry just keep it between your hunting circles!!! i love o good hunting tale but theres a time and a place and a public forum isnt really it, is it? all the best Cooper
  18. whats up with these people asking about hunting deer with lurchers!!! surley there having a laugh!!
  19. nice dogs gnipper and tophunter!! great to see how they start off and the end product!! good stuff
  20. shows him in a better light!!! same dog fella i assure you
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