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Everything posted by cooper101
no we established a few months back on a poll i did that theres just as many collie x owners on here as there are bullx owners!!!(dont know were there are on this thread though lol!! takes all legal quarry !! strarted to get a bit clever end of this season on rabbits but he entered to better things so i sort of forgive him but we'll see if hes still got it this coming season!! been lame on his back foot on and off for about a month now wich is starting to worry me it gets better then he goes out in the garden has a play and starts to limp again im baffled to be honest but i'll keep him
There are some real arseholes out there!! Might only be 20 quid but that's alot of money too a young kid who's sitting there waiting for his ferret box to come through the post!! Imagine how they must be feeling gutted I would expect!! Scummy b*****d needs to sort it out THIEF!!! Anyone who acts on the address let us know how the snivvling bitch reacts when u turn up at his address for your ferret box!!!
Its amazing how your eyes & mind play tricks on you.I remeber looking up the feild one really dark night.On top of the browe was what looked like about 20 people coming towards me.The more i stared,the closer they got.Turned out to be the chimmneys on the houses over the other side. lol I had two drunks appear out of knowwere because apparently they thought my lamp was a UFO that was very wierd!! U puff out your chest and try to make yourself feel like your scared of nothing but if were all honest with ourselves when the minds playing tricks and your on your own just you and the dog
Wouldn't say strange but at the time was a mixture of fear and excitment!!! Hopped over the gate to the field and ran two rabbits missed the first allways did with my old bitch and as I was about to pass through too the next field I flicked my lamp on and there were these big eyes staring straight back at me from the edgeline to my right under an old oak tree couldn't make out for the life of me what it was all I knew was it was big!! So I let curiosity get the better of me and approached it slowly trying to get a good view of it!! My heart was pumping when I was approaching!! the bitch a seas
I agree he is a bit a twat,but wouldnt go as far as insulting his disability god forbid you or a member of your family lose an eye.As for being unelected pm.well if cameron makes a deal he is unelected pm aswell if your going down that road. there will allways be a north south divide unless the parties treat us all equally!! just look at the results south want the conservative who with our situation down here are the better of two evils! yet they do nothing for you up in scotland!! clearly labours intrest is in scotland as it seems thats were most of there votes came from they are the g
I recently found out that Surrey police had banned all of there employeees from voting for the bnp!! As they have involvement in criminal activities( these bieng rascism) but I challenge anybody to difine the word rasicm?? The way I view it it's keeping a culture down not allowing them to express themselves in society( multicoultoral) the bnp may stand for one race but the labour government took away from us the one thing that made us proud!! You can be Irish, you can be welsh, you can be Scottish , but in the so called great Britain there's no place fir an englishman!! It's politically incor
you saw the same thing as me!! South is con but up north feckin labour lovers!!! Shame on them!! It's all blue down here the other side of hadrians wall it's labourlovers!! Tut feckin tut!!!
im no expert on collie xz in fact im a total novice with this cross! this is the first collie x dog i have owned and up until the end of this season he was hard fast exciting to watch ive had regular good sized mixed bags with him!! i ran him hard all season as it was his second season and after my first with him when he was a year old i really wanted to test him and thats exactly what i did!! around december time his runs changed he started to work the rabbits the minute he was sent, running wide of the beam and pushing them out into the field!! only running when he had to! this was a strange
changed my mind probly best if i dont ask this question as its a bit unfair on the lad!! SORRY
Hi Robert, ive got the same lamp L.S, and i use a 10amp (lithium battery) they are not cheep £130, but they are feckin Brill dead light to carry.I have had 5 1/2 hours lamping Because they are light you can carry more game on you .what ever that is. Ray really 5 1/2 hours!! I was really thinking about getting one when I brought my striker but I got reports of them not lasting long! So I opted for a deben belt pack!! I'm gutted now should have chanced it would make more sense to walk with a lighter battery that gives me more hours than heavy battery that gives me less!! Ohh well I'
thats what i tried for 10 yrs mate, a 'no' isnt enough, i beat him its no good, if thrs a hare he wont bother them, he also chases horses but doesnt bite them, thnk hes a lost cause to be stock broken, but hes best runner i ever had on all quarry, think it was that experiience when young triggered his killer instinct, he wont do it all nthe time, just when you dont want it to. also will kill another dog over his kill. personally i dont think you get a top dog that wont kill chickens, cats, sheep, deer etc.its in them to kill. i went out with a lad whos dog was like that!! wasnt even his
when you get another pup,keep it on a lead or rope 15-20ft long. then let go right by them and if it shows to much attention them ,give it a yank with firm NO. Keep doing this till it stops . With lambs still the same, but it might be a bit harder, as lambs are smaller and (move) differnt to sheep eg bounce around, which alot of dogs pick up on. You can still do it , just keep a eye on it. I have + do lamp with sheep there, but they are a feckin pain, as most times they get in the dogs way on a rabbit . I prefer to go where they aint any if possable, as i can catch more rabbits thats wh
i would have to argue this!!one of the sheep farmers whos ground i use keeps a bull x for a bit of protection for his lambs and sheep at night and day!! its loose to roam were it likes on the farm never once looked at a sheep the wrong way or else im sure you know what would happen!! hes been there nearly 5 years now and ive never heard a bad word about him with the livestock!!! hes used to be a pain in the arse when i went lamping there tagging along but i ring up now and hes put into the pen until im gone!!
I think it's a canine form of racisism!! It must stop before we give the dogs a complex about themselves!! Lol!! Lovely looking dogs You got there gyp!!
I mix up a bottle of water and glucose to take with me!! Just to givevmy dog a refresh on the way round!! I even have a sip myself if I'm thirsty!! He's fit as a flea but I still wouldn't deprive him of water !! Somtimes he wants it somtimes he dosent but i give him the choice anyway!!
The aussies have got the right idea!! And good on john howard for standing up for his people unlike our dopey penny pinching immigrant loving goverment!!! IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not
ive been followed a few times!! but theres i fox and hes done this on two occasions now when ive been there!! he sits in the hedge on the right of me as i enter the field and theres stock fencing intwined into it so dogs got no chance of getting to him!! and when the rabbits bolt towards his hedge he catches them hes had two like this to my knowledge i know this because i can here them squeeling and his eyes are gone!! its happened twice now at the exact same hedge!! he never comes out in the open he stays put in his hedge behind the stockfencing barrier!! very clever fox in my opinion must se
Still think grabbing Adams nuts is best lol!! But on a seriouse note I agree with bird!! Not had a bull x but it's how I do it!! I dont try to force it as they just hold tighter and you end up having a tug of war!! Best of teaching them young!!
I don't think squeezing Adams apple will sort it!!! try squeezing adams nuts!!!! Any ways how do you know the dogs names Adam?? Ohh it's a bitch I see funney name for a bitch lol !!
this is exactly what the problem is!! people tarring poachers and theses mindless hunting gangs(killing squads) with the same brush!! yes its hard to get permission especially in areas plagued with the kind of idiots ive allready discribed and you need to hop the fence!! and its a real shame for people who cant get permission because i belive you would look after your ground but until theses types of people are stopped(wich is what the police in oxfordshire are trying to do) poachers who are only out for the odd bunny not doing any harm are going to get the blame for the arseholes that have
getting back on to the subject of oxfordshire!! the land round there hasnt had the occasional poacher pop on and run a few rabbits or hares!! its been terrorised by gangs in motors tearing around the fields ramming down gates because they cant be bothered to open them leaving all the kills in a pile after they have had there photos of it!! dogs they brought up there killed and left there because there so called "jackers"!! thats why the area is like it is!! i myself have permission and id be a liar if i said i didnt hop over the fence now and again!! but theres poaching and theres scummy idio
getting back on to the subject of oxfordshire!! the land round there hasnt had the occasional poacher pop on and run a few rabbits or hares!! its been terrorised by gangs in motors tearing around the fields ramming down gates because they cant be bothered to open them leaving all the kills in a pile after they have had there photos of it!! dogs they brought up there killed and left there because there so called "jackers"!! thats why the area is like it is!! i myself have permission and id be a liar if i said i didnt hop over the fence now and again!! but theres poaching and theres scummy idio
at the end of the day its common knowledge to the boys in middlsex how hot oxfordshire is but they still do it anyway!! there forever getting chased and losing dogs but thats there idea of a good nights hunting! not all people in middlsex that run dogs but alot of the lads who i know that run dogs from there!! they know the risks and they choose to run the gauntlet!! if libertys wernt taken like i know are SMASHING GATES, DRIVING FIELDS,basically bieng a thorn in the locals sides the area wouldnt be so hot!! it was brought on by idiots and only idiots run there dogs in an area like that witho