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Everything posted by cooper101

  1. its been hard times i have 7 horses i couldnt afford a trip to the vets, like i said situations happen. im not in it to make money just want to find them good homes you couldnt afford the jab to stop the pregnancy 9 weeks ago but know you can afford to rear a litter :icon_eek: yes situation has changed. what the f uck is your problem. :black eye:
  2. when your bringing a young dog on best not run in fields smothered in rabbits!! it is hard for them to focus on what there bieng sent on and will teach them to hunt up!!! try and pick out squatters in less populated fields before running in fields were theres alot going on!!!!
  3. lol!! nice to have a extra pair of eyes when your ferreting!! was only asking as a friend of mine has kept a collie x whippet soley for ferreting and shes blinding at her job!!! best of luck with her!!
  4. dont forget its BNP night thursday and your NF initiation on sat night!!

  5. good to hear!! looks like you were lucky with the weather aswell BONUS !! will you be lamping the bitch aswell or you using her for ferreting only?
  6. Blue 3/4 grey x 1/4 collie!! theres some fine animals i seen on here !!!
  7. What do you intend to use the dog for and over what kind of ground? These are the issues that should determine what kind of dog you get and if you can post this kind of information then you are likely to get more informed replies. Different types of lurcher come in and out of fashion. When I started in the early 1970's deerhound crosses were all the rage, then collie crosses came into fashion and to hear a lot of the bullshit around at the time you would have thought that nothing but a collie cross could possibly catch a fox or even a rabbit. After that saluki crosses got very fashionable and
  8. i was looking for genuine informatin and help theres no need to get wide, all people like you do is discourage young people looking to get involved off, thanks for the other comments guys ps. when did a friesian become a power house with muscle? think id take a charolais, limiosine or belgian blue, comon get to no your cow breed before you try taking the piss it was a bit of humour u get that when you write things that could have several meanings!! somthing i would imagine will happen to you more than once in your time on this forum!! if a bit of humor offends you that much that it c
  9. i was looking for genuine informatin and help theres no need to get wide, all people like you do is discourage young people looking to get involved off, thanks for the other comments guys ps. when did a friesian become a power house with muscle? think id take a charolais, limiosine or belgian blue, comon get to no your cow breed before you try taking the piss it was a bit of humour u get that when you write things that could have several meanings!! somthing i would imagine will happen to you more than once in your time on this forum!! if a bit of humor offends you that much that it c
  10. freisian or aberdeen angus!! the freisian is a power house and will really add muscle to the mix!! were as the angus is ligher framed and taste really good when your finished with it!!
  11. thanks jenna!!! as ive never known it before in my dogs i was a bit worried of the after effects of the injury!!! well it sounds like i was given the right advice if you had the same and your dog is sound again!!! thanks billy
  12. its not that atall it was just an awkward turn i think mate seen him do some real acrobatics!!!
  13. no my dog popped it out and back in at the same time he was round the corner it was the damage caused by this that caused his limp but i couldnt identify were it was until the bone man felt him and realised what had happened!! cheers
  14. got the dog over all his injuries he picked up during last season, and ive been really looking forward to this coming season with a fresh dog, but out on a normal walk he took off after a couple of bunnies sitting round the bend from us and when he came back he was limping!!! checked his feet over and found no sighns of injury so left it for a few weeks but it wasnt seaming to get any better!! took him too the bone man down the road and he identified it straight away the dogs hip had popped out and popped back in and it is badly bruised, the only way hes going to get better is by keeping h
  15. only on THL will you get this kind of top quality advice on sorting out a problem with your dog!! give the dog a chance its you that needs the training!! the dogs needs excercise if you havent got time to excercise your dogs unfortunatly running dogs arent for you my friend best of luck with the dog!!!
  16. wow king robbie i think you might be on to somthing there !!! why didnt anyone else in the hunting game think of that cross ??? silly lurchermen !! maybe you could create this cross and earn yourself a few bob aswell could be the next best thing you know!! good luck king robbie creator of the bull x !!!
  17. just seen a chap i havent seen for about a year whilst out walking the dog, i used to see him with his lovely sulukixgrey bitch on a near daily basis out keeping her fit and walking but it all stopped about a year ago and i now know why!! he took a few lads out with him and they watched her work and one of them was so impressed he offerd to buy the dog on the spot for £500, this chap i know laughed at him and told him this bitch isnt for sale and that was that for about a week. then this man turns up at his house with £1000 pounds and says is she still not for sale and at the sight of th
  18. my close friends dog slade ran into another puppy when playing and broke his front leg about 2 years ago now he took it to be sorted and the put a plate and screws in his leg because it was on the lower part of his front leg it really looked awful with the plate sitting under the skin he was running after about eight months with the plate in but seemed to limp after and this is the pic of him after!! he has since had the plate out via a diffrent vetanary surgery and has made a full recovery and is out on a daily basis mooching and had a full and succesful season this one past!!! it took al
  19. WANTED!!! BEUTIFUL BULL X BITCH FOR MY HANDSOME COLLIE X!! must be calm, sensative, caring, have good sense of humor, like walks in the park, swimming in the ponds, and up for a laugh and above all must come hunting with him no fireside rugs!! anyone know were i can find a bitch like this!!
  20. Not being funny etc but the reason a lot of folk have probably not put up their pics is that in the last month or so there have been about 5 'show us your collie x's' threads. If you search back there is one with TONS of pictures on. well thats change since i was on here last last time all it was was show us your bullx threads i nearly did show you all my bollx but i thought i might get thrown off the sight for bieng a perv!!
  21. i know ive been busy fishing and working but im back now!! your going to make me say it on a public forum lol !! basically right at the end of the season i would send him on rabbits and he would walk up on them and then go for them if they stayed!! if they went he would come back !! but if he saw anything else its was business as usual little arsehole !! so it only took 3 nights out at the end of the season for me to realise i best put him away for the summer and hope he forgets this little ENERGY SAVING trick hes learned!! he wasv a class act on rabbits only two nights before it happene
  22. i know i was thinking thats what i was going to do with him at the start of the season take him out a couple of nights and not even slip him make him really gag for a run and watch another dog have all the fun we will see though( you watch i'll slip him and he'll be like feck it im not running its much more fun watching somone else do the hard work lol!!!! i think i stopped at the right time before it became a habit but only time is going to tell now!! fingers crossed i get my old dog back this season !!
  23. i know ive been busy fishing and working but im back now!! your going to make me say it on a public forum lol !! basically right at the end of the season i would send him on rabbits and he would walk up on them and then go for them if they stayed!! if they went he would come back !! but if he saw anything else its was business as usual little arsehole !! so it only took 3 nights out at the end of the season for me to realise i best put him away for the summer and hope he forgets this little ENERGY SAVING trick hes learned!! he wasv a class act on rabbits only two nights before it happene
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