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Everything posted by Griz

  1. How are the Jagds used for deer, and , do you hunt them on other game?
  2. Some years ago I was on a Glen board in the USA......I observed and read their standard along with all the superlatives heaped upon the breed ,then asked who hunted their dogs.....I was immediatetly attacked as tho I was recruiting them for dog fighting.....A bunch of phonies they are....Not one in the lot interested in a Glens hunting tradition.
  3. Some years ago I was on a Glen board in the USA......I observed and read their standard along with all the superlatives heaped upon the breed ,then asked who hunted their dogs.....I was immediatetly attacked as tho I was recruiting them for dog fighting.....A bunch of phonies they are....Not one in the lot interested in a Glens hunting tradition.
  4. Patterdales and other to ground Terriers vary in size greatly depending on what quarry they are used for , and what part of the country they are from.......Racoon vary in size greatly depending on location, with the huge ones coming from the northern tier predominantly.....Fox and badger are scattered throughout the midwest and west, while woodchucks are common in many areas , but limited in a few locations.....Wild hogs are hunted in the southern states and are increasingly moving north...Nutria are seen in coastal areas in the south and west coast primarily, while coyotes are in many areas a
  5. Doc, I think the lakeland being closer to the camera distorts her size.......Still, a slick pic of the badger.
  6. Doc, I think the lakeland being closer to the camera distorts her size.......Still, a slick pic of the badger.
  7. Speedy recovery Barrie, watch out for those young nurses!.......John R.
  8. Speedy recovery Barrie, watch out for those young nurses!.......John R.
  9. I think that Grips sire was a Staff as was told to me by McCoy.
  10. Sounds like a campaign against the big nuts is in order, sort of like the politicians do!....Exaggerate, tweek the facts a bit, dig up some dirt on them(no pun intended).......Expose them as the boneheads they are!
  11. Norm or Fred, maybe "you little b*****d".
  12. No serious terrierman in the USA use the AKC registry, thats for the show type fluffies.
  13. Dont put coats on mine even when it gets down to -37C (-35 F) here in Minnesota......A bit chillier than you lads see, huh?
  14. If they are from proper workers, no problem at all......Do not have your vet interfere as it can cause your bitch to not cycle properly in the future.....The pups will likely be fine, as they will be whatever the bloodline behind them is........Inbreeding in itself is not an evil, but, a method of intensifying traits,both good and bad........Good luck.
  15. You Brits got it all wrong. In the states a Fannie is the plump part in the rear, and, a c**t is the split part in the front that looks like a stringer of perch with a bit of fur around it...........
  16. In order for inbreeding and close linebreeding to be successful you need to have a through knowledge of ancestors well back in the pedigree to be able to assess their traits and the true quality of the line, then strict evaluated culling must be used to retain desireable traits and eliminate unwanted ones.........An undertaking that requires a very objective approach and intelligent planning.....Not for the faint of heart, requiring perseverance and commitment.
  17. Thats not a fox, it's a Dingo!
  18. Hey Stunt, I'm curious what the background of the Staff was......I mean is there hunting stock there or what?....What do you expect out of the dog?
  19. Stunt, What type of Staff are in this dogs background?.....Hunters, show, pet?
  20. They are a waste of dog food.....Fella I know well tried a number of them and all they were good for was starting trouble....Get yourself a good Lakeland if you like that type of dog!
  21. You lads that work yur dogs should well know that it's all about the dogs in front of you, and,the type of work the dogs are showing.....Glyn doesnt need to be your buddy to breed , sort out,and work good dogs....I think his workers and off spring speak for themselves....Instead of pissing and moaning and stirring the pot, lets here about YOUR workers, so the rest of us can dice and slice them as some of you have done to Glyns dogs.....Glyn, keep up the good work, your workers are doin the talking.
  22. Say what you will, it's all about money to the government AND the vets!....Just like paying for tail docking!....One snip of a scissors at near birth and it's done....Vet's are making money on something that a child can do.
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