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Everything posted by Jettyboy

  1. Great pic Keith - she's looking in top condition - really solid. Keep posting the photos - love to see her.
  2. Great to see pics of Nell Keith - she's looking really fit - and it sounds like your enjoying yourselves. The other pups from Lucys litter are also doing well in the field and their owners are over the moon with them. Here's a few pics: Penny - bitch we kept back Cassie - bitch my brother took Magic - bitch a friend took (On the right - dog on left is sire of the pups) Jack (b/w) - went to live with the sire of the pups Storm Milo (photo took a few months ago) Keep us updated Keith - good to hear from you. ATB JB
  3. http://www.statelysolutions.co.uk/game_fair_default.html http://www.broughtongameshow.co.uk/Attractions http://www.selbygamefair.co.uk/next.htm
  4. Thanks for the replies lads n lasses - much appreciated. Tom - how tall is Dodger now? JB
  5. Haven't posted anything on here for ages so thought I'd update you all on what we've been up to lately. Lucy is now coming up to 3 years old, is 20" and 30lb and the new pup Tara is 11 months old, 19" and 26lb. A few pics of the dogs: LUCY TARA Just started Tara off and then the snow came down so hopefully we'll get out a bit more now that the snows gone. Cheers for looking. JB
  6. Hotdog - she measures in at about 20" tts. Cheers
  7. With the end of the season now upon us I've been thinking about how Lucy has done over the past few months. It was nice to get a mention off DavePat in his post about the dogs he likes on the Whippet Forum, and to see Lucys name amongst them was nice to see. I am really pleased with what we've achieved with her. Her tally for the season is 81 - mostly lamped rabbits with a few daytime mooching about for me, this is a top result when I take into consideration the amount of time I went to the same old spots every week. Here are a few pics looking back over the season:
  8. Been working on a local farm which is lifting with mole hills, so they asked me if I could try trapping a few. So I set a couple of traps and bingo - got one! I tried a few times without success, so I bought the DVD by Moley where I got a few handy tips - a couple of days later and I have my first mole.
  9. Got the Mole Trapping DVD the other day which I ordered from Johnb. It's a top quality DVD with loads of useful tips - well worth the money. Hopefull, after watching it, I'll catch a few more moles! Cheers Jettyboy
  10. Nice Looking whippet you've got there. Well done mate
  11. Nice bag of rabbits - well done Frank, dogs look well.
  12. Nice looking whippets mate - how do you rate them on the lamp because a lot of people under estimate what they can do (in my opinion).
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