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Everything posted by stanley

  1. nice dogs pal look like they seeing bit of work anyway
  2. ive heard the d3 supposed to be as good as the bf if not better so thats [bANNED TEXT] im gonna buy i think
  3. im of out aswell mate,usually go about 9ish this time of year usually just as good as going later,atb tonight
  4. all of mine are dogs mate,they tend to be more game,however bitches are a lot more faithful
  5. hi has anyone got any easy tips for me on how to download some pictures of my crew,tried but it just keeps saying that there to large
  6. have you sent collar yet mate havent received it yet

  7. you will always get some sarky comments whatever you ask on this sight,
  8. have you received book yet mate?

  9. anyone know anything about blackledge lines,my patt dog is bred from a mates dog who is probably the best ive seen not sure on his lines but the dam is supposed to be blackledge,just wondered what they like as i dont know much about them.
  10. dont know about now mate but went to barry on boat trip last year and had a crackin trip,starry smooth hound bout 4ft long might book again soon
  11. absoloutly spot on,why take the chance theres enough failures passed from pillar to post already
  12. more than likely mate,i find beta greyhound with raw meat every other day ample when there working hard regular
  13. jelous...id love to have go at few coons and groundhogs,maybe one day
  14. the one with the fox a cracking stamp [bANNED TEXT]
  15. wales just didnt turn up with any type of guts,they hyped thereselves up for months and pride there game on beating the english but instead were turned over.losing all there form.....lol as for beating france the last time they won the six nations we were the only team to beat thewm then
  16. same as always people hate england winning ,wales were lucky against scotland and ireland were shit against france but nothing said!!!!! a decent team is one that has a bad day and still wins. SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT
  17. is that harkamitex the replacement for duramitex,because that is what i used to use and you could watch the fleas and ticks drop off.BRILLIANT STUFF
  18. my patty dog was the same he is 18mths now and up until 3wks ago wouldnt touch a rat,i perservered because of his breeding and now ive dug him twice in last 2 wks,to many people get rid 2 early.atb with the pup
  19. cheers boys,im after anything with a bit of guts an staying power.ill look into these cheers
  20. hi everyone,ive got one patterdale at the moment jus starting to work nicely after going trough a dozen jibbers.but i would like to try a lakie but most ive seen r fluffy show stuff that cost a bomb.any advice id love to hear from you all.
  21. hi every1 im new on here jus trying 2 get used 2 the site,i do mainly terrierwork but also own lurchers and do bit of ferreting and fishing when i get chance.i would like 2 hear bak from other genuine doggin lads mad about the sport like i am
  22. hi,i myself own a 3/4 bull 1/4 greyhound bred from top stuff he is 2 1/2 yrs old and has dun eveything ive asked of him single handed without fail. he is 22inches also and very racey 4 the breed. i think he would make a good stud if u woz interested.genuine good dog would have no problems in u watching him work.good luck [bANNED TEXT] the breeding
  23. r ne of these pups still available?
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