wrong....i know someone who has had 2 bull x patts 1 dog 1 bitch,you could dig them both week in week out and were genuine good dogs,im bringing one up myself to work regularly not because i wanna look hard
my patt is undershot but that dont affect his working hes got hell of a grip,dedpends if you want a show dog i suppose,pick the brightest pup with the eyes furthest apart normally means a better head
get out with someone who knows about ferreting first mate learn the basics,and ignore the arragant wankers who must have been born with there knowledge as they were never begginers.any one can sit on a computer and become a hero
if she a fighter u gotta ask yourself is she worth keeping? what happens if you gotta chuck her in a van with other dogs or ratting e.t.c could end up otherwise you need to seperate for sure
normally around 18mths like the boys said mate,however some lads start theres at 10-11 mths!! you will know when she ready to go when she stops being puppyish.nice easy digs to start atb with pup
SINGLE HANDED ALL DOGS AND QUARRY,you wouldnt do it with a terrier.i,d rather see 1 really good course than a simple 2 or 3 dog pick up because when the fox is caught there normally not much of a scrap anyway atb
working digging dogs on bunnies good or bad,some lads think it will make them stay to bunnies and others think it helps improve there finding skills by using there nose...what do you lads do i personally let them work cover and pick it up for themselves and havent had any problems yet