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Everything posted by stanley

  1. I believe so. The Tasmanian Devil has only recently been classified as "endangered". Up until 2008, this marsupial was listed as "vulnerable" - that has now changed. The Tasmanian Devil used to cover all of Australia but now it is limited to Tasmania. The arrival of the Dingo may have caused their extinction on the mainland, probably because they would have competed for the same food. The Tasmanian Devil is endangered for a number of reasons, and one of them is because the farmers believed that it ate large numbers of livestock and poultry, and used to hunt it. (This is also why
  2. happens around here to mate,waste of a good earth
  3. i think you are wrong pal...i know several bull crosses that would pull the pants off most breeds there is good and bad in all crosses. i know you wrong,there are more bad than good and the good aint that good you cant have seen many then
  4. a good bar is usually a vital tool
  5. hi all,just a bit of help needed with my bull x,his coat seems to be on the thin side,is there anything i can do to improve this
  6. off on a boat trip on may 29th at swansea,just wondered if anyone else has been and whats it like?
  7. i think you are wrong pal...i know several bull crosses that would pull the pants off most breeds there is good and bad in all crosses.
  8. as soon as they have had there jabs....longer they out the kennels more they learning even if its just riding in the quad learning to be quiet every little helps
  9. handy in small fields like others stated but lack the stride for anything with a bit off pace for example pre ban hares or even a fox would take some catching if given a head start
  10. does he not know about it
  11. dont look like its seen much for 18 mths old why they selling? if they cant tell you what in dog what else they not telling you
  12. credit to you mate,dont see many with ferrets that old
  13. my uncle owned one till she died of old age and i can honestly say she was sh*T hot on rabbits e.t.c. good all rounder id say
  14. Aslong as it aint affecting the others leave it,try sum big roast bones or something similar might fetch it out...hope this helps
  15. i know the feeling mate ive just lost a really promising lurcher pup to parvo,most acute case the vet has seen for years,so ive gotta be careful with others from now on,3 others out the litter also died the vet said the best thing to do is to jab the bitch before breeding which gives the pups immunity until jabbed thereselves
  16. its always a gamble mate,you gotta be asking why it there in first place
  17. waiting game pain the arse!!! atb with them
  18. got a good long muzzle to kill what they bred for mate should be handy.
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