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Everything posted by Davidh

  1. I have got the video of this. It was part of a series called "Jack's Game". It was a series of films covering all aspects of country sports, pheasant shooting, wildfowling, pigeon shooting and foxhunting, I ave probably forgotten some tittles. I think it was filmed sometime in the eighties. And I do remember the original ITV series.
  2. As they are kits it shouldn't be a problem
  3. I totally agree with above comment. It doesn't matter a flying **** if you have faith in the vet. That ferret might be suffering....I know he may not show it but they are incredibly good at hiding pain. So get it to a vet ASAP. Or you will be guitly of causing possible unnecessay suffering!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wish I knew where they are, would give owner a piece of my fist! Would more importantly take the poor little b****** and try to give them a better life. Where are the RSPCA when they are really needed??
  5. Jamie Saw the picture you emailed me. Looks like you had a good day. Well done. I will ring you in the week.
  6. If she has an ear mite infection she will hold her head too one side, also may shake/scratch her head around the ear. Get it checked by a vet. As I lost a ferret a few years ago when I didn't spot the infection in time. Better safe than sorry.
  7. Jamie You going soft? All these pet toys for working ferrets ha ha ha ha!! How is the car?
  8. He looks a real cracker. Where did you get him from? I would say he has high percentage of European Polecat him.
  9. At 2 years old it will be difficult. The fact that he runs in means you did not instill basic obedience eg sit and stay. If these weren't rock solid from the start you should not have moved on in training until they were. If you are beating with him then this is a serious problem as if he does this on a drive he could easliy be shot! Go back to basics, and get them rock solid then address any problems. Hope this does not sound pompous. I am just offering my opinion.
  10. Welshnutter69 The Goldline complete ferret food I use is 39% protein.
  11. I must disagree. Dry cat or dog food has no got a high enough protein content. I know that dry ferret food is expensive but shop around and you can find a good deal especially if you can buy in bulk with others who keep ferrets in your area.
  12. As long as you are feeding a complete food specifically made for ferrets, that will give him all he needs in the way of nutrients. Anything else is just to keep his diet varied. As regards amount just make sure he eats all fresh meat and remove anything which is uneaten, ajust amounts accordingly. Keep dry food topped up and make sure his water is always available and fresh. Hope this helps.
  13. I feed day olds to mine but only as a part of their diet. Once a week and depending on time of year 1 or 2 for each ferret although they just grab them and so you can't control who gets what.
  14. If you are asking that question, do you really have time to keep ferrets in the first place? You need to spend as much time handling them esecially when they are young as possible and then some more.
  15. The oldest ferret I ever owned lived until she was 13. Although she wasn't a worker
  16. Hi Fergie I sometimes feed mine chicks, so would be interested in getting them cheaper (no pun intended) I live in Wrotham.
  17. Looks good. Can you design something to get draw cord through peg holes? This is the most difficult aspect of making a net in my opinion.
  18. If you do not want to breed ever, then have the jill(s) spayed. This will solve any health problems in the future. Think about what is best for the ferret and not you.
  19. Just keep handling them as often as you can. A little gentle correction (alight tap on the nose followed by a sharp no) does not do any harm. It has always worked with mine. Keep on going
  20. I would agree with most of has been. Just suck it and see. Ferrets are like any other living creature they mature at different rates. All ferrets will work, it just depends on how patient you are not how slow the ferret is to pick up what is required of them.
  21. Same rules apply as with ferrets. Some will mix but there is always an exception. I keep neutered hob and two unneutered jills with my group with no real problems Of course two full hobs will fight in the spring and summer especially if there are jills near by. I would just try it and see. Hope this helps.
  22. Nice looking ferret. Hope he works well.
  23. I can only speak for myself. I have one 3/4 european hob and he is silly as any ferret I have ever owned. I hope to work a young high percentage jill later in the seasoon, she is this years young. The only thing I would say in my fairly limited experience is that when they are young kits they need much more handling than a "normal" ferret. Apart from this they are as good in nature as any ferret I have owned.
  24. I tend to agree with some other posts, in that I wouldn't keep putting in and taking her out of a group. This is just likely to unsettle the others. If she keeps fighting you will have to house her separately or sell her. I have a small jill that was picked on to the point of being quite badly hurt. I now know that after trying her with the others a second time without success. She will have to live on her own. Hope all works out OK.
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