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Everything posted by Airgunner2010

  1. colse the flow vavle a bit and see if it heats up a bit
  2. found what else was up as well the o ring had blowen
  3. which mobile network are people on as i just taken a cotract with o2 and its £30 a month 2100 mins and unlimited texts
  4. you just hit the nail on the head there thank you for the info i will do the same
  5. as i have filled it a couple of times and its seams to be losing pressure
  6. i had it done now and it didnt hurt at all
  7. how do i test for an air leak on my air arms s200 as i think its losing air
  8. divers bottle = easy i use mine on both of my air rifles
  9. would you sell the brocock separate if so how much
  10. there a pcp buddy yup there a very good rifle i have a bsa hornet there the same as the ultra
  11. i use a bsa hornet and a air arms s200 there both pcps and there a lot better than springers
  12. some of them makes me remember when i was younger
  13. not my pics but did a search on white and black fox and came up with these and the black
  14. i get judged for the way i look any way so i am used to it really all i say now if they dont like it dont look
  15. there is no pain no gain i have had loads of piercings done and tattoos so that wont bother me
  16. at last i am getting my tounge split it took me ages to find some where that does it but now i am booked in to have it done next month on the 12th cant wait now
  17. its my first westlake (smk) as i normaly use bsa hornet or airarms s200
  18. i have just been given a westlake (smk) b2 .22 cal it has a few bangs on the stock but kk shoots well what do you guys think of them and how much do they go for
  19. who the new windows 7 ??? . i have just installed it on my lappy and its f**king brill its better than vista
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