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Everything posted by xraiderx

  1. Dose anyone use chairgin with there mtc scb ret. If so which of the hawke rets do you use please GARRICK
  2. 9 - 13 with tilt well worth the extra few bob ATB GARRICK
  3. the r10 has now got a viper on it GARRICK :bye: :bye: :bye:
  4. I use 2parts walnut 1part balistol oil warmed up. in a warm room with hands just apply a thin coat and leave for 1 hour then a good rub again with the hands gets the finish i like not to shiney ATB GARRICK
  5. Nice One davey CHEERING UP iv just gone through a box of scotties nice album Thats what the THL is about Sort the shit out somwhere else GARRICK
  6. HELLO Has anybody got any rws superfeild 22 they would like swap some H&N FTT 22 or FALCON ACCURACY PLUS 22. lets say about 50 to see how they perform in my R10 22 thanks for looking GARRICK
  7. My R10 22 is a late mk1 bought new early nov 2010 Due to the bad weather at that time for the first few weeks only shot it in the garden 12yds. Great pellet on pellet and then bought a combro 7fbs yes 7fbs. Off it went back to BSA 2 weeks came back all repacked as a new one with the bits n bobs and spare mag Now shooting at 11fbs so im happy now apart from one thing could do with shorter barrell So off it went again but this timeto MR J BOWKETT barrell shortening and full blueprint Apart from the low power setting out of the box this was a very good gun Now i would'nt part with it
  8. Try uttings mate 10 tins =5000 about £90 posted and well packed GARRICK
  9. Just looked at the price of these and i think i would have gone for a ultra or s/h aa410 or for abit more cash s/h hw100 and BSAR10. Hope your new guns a guddun ATB GARRICK
  10. My first pcp was a brummy raider 10 hence my name XRAIDERX Good pretty accurate and light gun but fancied a hw100 and got offerd a good price for the raider so floged it. Wise move they dropped in price by about £100 due to being produced in turkey or spain quality dropped aswell dont know what there like now mate. hw top guns JB.d R10 ATB XXXXXXXXXXXXRAIDERXXXXXXXXXXXX
  11. would love to get there mate will know abit closer to date dose it need to be booked ifso will abit closer to june be ok ATB GARRICK
  12. askin abit of both there ADVICE and PELLET SWAPhow do you move it i cant be arsed ATB GARRICK ps still owe you a pint davy over a twink i paid for without paypal gift WHOOPS
  13. hello lads before splashing out on a bulk purchase on h&N ftt 22 pellets which ive been useing in my r10 with good results. also fx shoot well airarms poo what do you lads find best in your r10 22 would like to swap lets say 50 of each h&n and fx for what you use. CHEERS GARRICK
  14. HILTI cartridges [ LIVE ] GARRICK
  15. Well got my opinel yesterday not the no8 the no7 the chap at redrae phoned me to say the no8 was out of stock so went for the no7 blade 1/8 inch smaller total lenth 1inch smaller. First impession was there very light then opened it up like the simple but very afective locking device the blade is very sharp and a nice shape. A tenner well spent i think Anyway off out now to sort the sqizzers out heres one from friday http://i1033.photobucket.com/albums/a418/xraiderx61/DSC00297.jpg http://i1033.photobucket.com/albums/a418/xraiderx61/DSC00298.jpg CHEERS GARRICK
  16. was in two minds to go for the clipper or the opinel . went for the opinel coz i like wood GARRICK
  17. Just orderd a opinel no8 this morning £9.95 deliverd bargin i thought. Seem to get good reviews anybody else use one of these ifso what do you think of them. This will be used for gutting and skinning bunnys mainly. CHEERS GARRICK
  18. i had a hw100ks 22 http://mob1033.photobucket.com/albums/a418/xraiderx61/DSC00265.jpg'>http://mob1033.photobucket.com/albums/a418/xraiderx61/DSC00265.jpg cracking gun but started doing alot more target shooting and hw only give about 60 good shots per fill so did a straight swap for a air ranger but didnt feel right. so got a new r10 as good as the hw out of the box http://mob1033.photobucket.com/albums/a418/xraiderx61/DSC00265.jpg shortend and blueprinted by mr bowkett well worth the £190 CHEERS GARRICK
  19. STILL for sale cant hold it forever
  20. hello blade yes the scope will be included and as for the mod that was on it its not mutch good just 5 or 6 ali baffles in it but i suppose the internals could be changed easy as the end just screws off ATB GARRICK
  21. HELLO FOLKS Selling this hw90 theoben gasram great nick blueing 95 percent no rust stock 90 percent no cracks or splits just the odd dink. This gun is very accurate and shooting at 11.4 constent the barrel is threaded to take a mod. pics SOLD SOLD ITS THE BOTTOM ONE wanting £170 ftf or buyer pays postage reason for selling dont use it simple. CHEERS GARRICK no paypal
  22. CHEERS lads havin a early one next weekend hope to get some pics up of kills. but not botherd if i dont get owt its just a nice place to be CHEERS GARRICK
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