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saluki bulls

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Everything posted by saluki bulls

  1. infra red filters are over a 100 pound lads and they for use with nightvision equipment
  2. best allrounder in my oppinion.. but everyone 2 ther own
  3. lol,a dont want any sarcasmn,arguen or bitching on this thread,2 many threads get ruined on this site,all am saying is thes 3 dogs always catch my eye on ere,and they look the buisness
  4. me neither mate looks dont kill,but av seen pics of them doin there job, a just find them 3 dogs my stamp of dog.
  5. yeah ano that ye cnt tell anything just through pics but ive heard alot about these dogs and a reali lyk the look of them,i like the look ov loads of dogs on this site mate,but 2 me thes dogs always stand out..
  6. i am just saying thes my top 3 and i would have thes in my kennel straite away mate,along side my own dogs.
  7. after looking at pictures and reading through loads of topics my top 3 dogs off this site would have to be.. 1st. dogfacekillers 'REMUS' he looks awesome,the finest example of a bullx 2nd. keanos collie xs they look lyk very handy dogs,i reali like the look of them 3rd. scents blue collie x big strong dog by the look of him,excellent example all 3 dogs are a credit to there owners.
  8. pro plan and hills science plan advanced fitness dry food,and i buy 400gram bags of prize-choice raw food,rabbit,beef,lamb,turkey,chicken,tripe... expensive i know but my dogs only get the best,they run all day and in great shape all year round,am a big believer in feeding only the best bt every1 to there own
  9. was just wundering if its normal for a bitch 2 be a bit sad and not herself after been in heat?? she cum out about 2weeks ago and the last 2 or 3 days she dont seem herself and not eatn lyk she was before,she still eating but normally she a write greeeedyyyy cow!!! a few oppinions wud be nice plz thanks for reading ( saluki bulls )
  10. change in behaviour after bitches seasons
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