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saluki bulls

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Everything posted by saluki bulls

  1. I put beapher on my 2 poleys once a month and never had any problems with anything. Atb
  2. Hope they start getting on mate. Av you tried them playing together outside ov the hutch? In garden for instance?
  3. Ano what ur sayn mate. Just madness how p payn £150+ for mk1 which is about 20yr old haha.... No warranty or nothing could use it few tyms and it goes bang. Atleast if u buy latest model u gettn warranty and get brand new one if that goes bang plus getting parts for 3m is easier. Atb scott. Ps not been a dick ere or tryn to argue ;-).
  4. Mk3m by far the best upto date. Cant inderstand how ppl cant seem to work out how to use them. Played about with myn for 5mins and its reali easy its got pinpointer n everything and myn is bang on top of ferret everytym. A cant get my head round how ppl still buying knocker box for stupid money on ebay. But everyone to ther own i suppose
  5. Hi andy just phoned him today at bridport nets and he does accept all visa and credit cards over the phone A think andy was talkn about agouti mate not bridport
  6. The little magnet u get with them is to turn them on and off. Same as the actual reciever does. I always just use the reciever to turn collars on n off mate.
  7. You can use the bottom of the locator mate to turn collars on and off. Have a look on locator and ul find a little circle then line that up with the circle on the collar and ur sorted. Turns it on and off.
  8. Not sure mate. Av never heard ppl say after they been vasectomised they not the same workers. Am sure sum lads on ere with a vac hob will comment and answer your queastion.
  9. Ok mate. Am just goin to wait coz ther is no rush.
  10. Mk3m. Best locator by deben upto date ? What you lads think? I am very impressed with it :-)
  11. Spun poly the best mate. Hemp has to be dried out after use or the fukd
  12. Cheers lads. I will keep him away from them for a while then slowly introduce them.
  13. Cheers mate. Just was worried in case he had not healed properley more than anything. He only got op last friday so wanted to see how long other ppl would wait before putting him with others.
  14. Cheers mate. Even thou they just jill kits or so hes recovered? Only cost £50 for the op witch a thort wasnt too bad.
  15. Areet lads. I just had my hob vasectomised hes 3yrs old. I have got 2 jill kits roghly 4 month old and i am goin to keep them all together during the winter. Just woundering how long shud i wait to put them together with him jst avn the op? Obviously the jills are not in season coz they kits. How long would yous guys wait after hob been vasectomised? Cheers scott
  16. Size is 30" wide. 27" high. And 4ft deep. Double doors on the front with a lock on each door. A paid 600 for it. Open to offers a cant get pics on.
  17. And i will also get the correct measurements
  18. I will take some pics of it tomoro and put them on if i can. Thanks
  19. Lintran dog box for sale cost me 600 custom built fits two lurchers in it with ease. Am not 100% bt a think measurements are 27" h 27" w and 50" deep its only 6 month old and hasnt been used much. I am open to offers. This box is in mint condition. I live in the north east. Sunderland also buyer must collect. Thanks scott
  20. Lol. Am sure you wont av a problem with the finder and u will buy yourself one soon as u get the knack of it :-)
  21. Defo mate i have put all my other nets i aready had to one side, am goin to put anuther order in for more off andy.
  22. Am not sure how to put pics on mate. Am using iphone. Am sure andy will be able to put some pics and prices up for you. Honest thou mate thes are top quality.
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