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About hunter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Bit of a long shot but I have lost my special little terrier that I have had for 10 yrs plus, lost him in a village Nr ST Athan Vale of Glamorgan, he is an old black terrier dog with white on his chest and a grey face, there is a LARGE reward,. he was lost on the 30/11/11, have notified all lost dog sites, dog wardens etc etc etc. if anyone has picked up this dog or taken this dog on please let me know thanks.
  2. shina I cant seem to do pms , have you stilll got the beagle bitch?
  3. Thats the best way to be, a kennelman countryman, yoiu do all the hard work but get to go out hunting aswell. maybe do terriers, mend fences etc etc, great fun.
  4. Its great fun, started a small pack myself this season, got one old beagle and 2 youngsters, had our first one on sat, its great fun.
  5. If its your dream go for it, I did it for abit, long hours and hard work but if you like hounds and hunting its a brilliant career, they do a kind of apprentership scheme now with the MFHA and its well worth getting in and your about the right age. otherwise put your name on the list. you will find both on the internet. just remember its very hard work and long hours, but well worth it if you like your hunting!
  6. Wanted 2 beagles pref bitches, older beagles that know their job but are abit too slow would be fine , to join my small steady gun pack. .
  7. Just started a pack myself, got 3 and looking for 2 more, never had so much fun. reallly biddable and happy. use them with a gun or not either way its great fun.
  8. hello, I am interested, have a small pack of 3 beagles,. do you mind me asking why you are rehoming her? I am in south wales.
  9. some dirty thieving b*****d nicked my fox trap last night, it was even chained and the b*****ds cut the chain. second to be nicked in a week in the area, glamorgan area. south wales.
  10. Iknow this may sound stupid but have you contacted the dog warden for your area. loads of people dont realise they exist.
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