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Everything posted by bendrover

  1. She' still alive in your head pal . Not often they get to that age . You done right by her no doubt?
  2. Should of left them auld mongrels in a hole and back filled ??
  3. Fair enough young man . But remember . Self praise is no honour.
  4. Jesus wept . I heard the keepers told him to leave it and they would deal with it . It' great to know there's lads out there who have never sinned.
  5. Unfortunately the fools have ruined coursing. Now all we have is a bit of rabbiting with wee bedlington mongrels ?
  6. Had a dog smash a fence at top flight . Dig want breathing for 2 mins . So I picked him up to bury him and a great rush of air came out of him as he was all swole up . He had massivebruising of the entire spine . He was paralysed for over 2 weeks . He came back from it . Was a long process tho. Best of luck
  7. Good little bit of sport . Better than northernlights auld mongrels ?
  8. Mate . I know of a repeat litter , where most of second litter have cocked . The first litter were all brought on correctly. But when the repeat litter wasn' yet mature . They were hammered onn and expected to be like there older siblings . Madness
  9. You here some shite on here . But that's a good post auld pal
  10. . You from the north of Glasgow bendrover?South pal
  11. Sangers where all in Belfast,the RAF policed Aldergrove,geez them Belfast lasses where the best looking birds in Britain and the offspring we left over there bear testament to how much we thought of the conflict,OK we lost a few muckers but the shag fest more than made up for it,id do another tour even at my age just to keep the numbers up. sounds good but it didnt happen in our end the town lol Your mammy may have another tale to tell son. what about the man size pampers delivered to the barracks We where all about 19 and early 20 and far to much for the filth of the fenian turds tha
  12. Lot of lads in greenock keep the bull xs
  13. Seen a few in the north of the city very similar
  14. difference is the packs have permission to be on land , what they do their is up to them, but the likes of hare coursers nobody will give permission as its actively fought against and discouraged with threats of fines for hosting hare coursing events by the local police and PACT groups, they don't hassle famers who allow foot packs or mounted packs or threaten them with actively encouraging foot packs or mounted ones do the police have an anti foxhunting section? they do have an anti hare coursing operation expensive though it is, as far as I know they only turn up at hunts too stop the anti
  15. difference is the packs have permission to be on land , what they do their is up to them, but the likes of hare coursers nobody will give permission as its actively fought against and discouraged with threats of fines for hosting hare coursing events by the local police and PACT groups, they don't hassle famers who allow foot packs or mounted packs or threaten them with actively encouraging foot packs or mounted ones do the police have an anti foxhunting section? they do have an anti hare coursing operation expensive though it is, as far as I know they only turn up at hunts too stop the anti
  16. that would take possibly 6-10 like minded and intelligent people like yourself to get the ball rolling if it was a March you're thinking of . Most on here will say "no point " at the very least it would tell the politicians we are still here .
  17. Lovely animal . Looks how a full ebt should look .
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