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Everything posted by bendrover

  1. Last time I spoke to him he was running hopetoon hoose . I heard he just keeps himself to himself these days
  2. Razor was tested to the max lads . Shame to bring him down . And Stevie was happy to run round the doors . He picked abbeys shit up . She only had to please him . Seems boots was a good dog . Fair play
  3. Had A few words with auld northernlight in the past . Then I met him and realised he's a wind up merchant . But a decent lad . States he's a rabbit man . And puts plenty away
  4. The older /wiser we get , knowing it's the right thing to do . I reckon it gets harder . But you know you did right bye her ?
  5. I believe a person dropping rabbits etc , are in the sights of the animal abandonment act 1960 . Now if it's on a land owners permission and you have opened up old burys etc then I believe you can argue it's for the good of the existing population
  6. I've been ferreting a few form different areas and dropping them in areas where I had 're introduced them after a 12 year period of none at all. They were doing well for 5 year then the 2nd strain hit it . That was 8 weeks ago and a few are still being seen . So maybe the added blood strains have made a few strong enough to survive. If every man kept a few alive and keep dropping them in areas where the shooters can't get at them . We can help the rabbit survive
  7. I got on radio Scotland debate today. Explained that I was a pest controller. I wasn't overly in favour of mounted fox hunting . But went along so as to have an educated view, and changed my mind . Told the fool chairing the debate that I dislike using glue boards for rodents , but some situations require there use . I repeatedly said that people should have an educated opinion. I was quickly ushered off . Fools
  8. Phoned up the debate on radio Scotland today . Explained I was a pest controller and have an educated point of view on the subject ant that there debate was being formed by people totally uneducated to country life / ways . . The host wasn't best pleased ?
  9. Jesus wept . Uproar on national news in Scotland. The girl travels the world comes to one of our islands and shoots a goat . News reader and green party all over it ( blood sports ) ffs they are even saying it should be an absolute last resort shooting an animal and should only be carried out by professionals. PROFESSIONALS . Pmsl . I'm telling you fishing is next
  10. Bondings a different thing all together . Take hare coursing back in the day . Deer and fox . Where would we have been if the dogs were having a wee look to see we were still there .
  11. Don't get where your coming from . You said eye contact is a sign of them seeing you as pack leader and that for the best in your opinion. That's fine . Your opinion. Not mine . I think it's a trait of herding strains. Imo. Seen many dogs hunt up a variety of pray without the the assurance stares of owner . When job was done and quarry in hand ,said mutt would be back at his job and not breaking his attention like the dogs mentioned. How many people on here have seen these types look up at their owner just as the quarry makes its move . That split second can be the difference. It's all o
  12. They don't need to watch you . They just need to listen
  13. That pup has razors stamp all over it
  14. Obviously you see them constantly, seeing traits etc . But I thought you would have went with the b&ts Sal colouring so as not to loose the wind on the slopes . Best of luck with the litter .
  15. You don't see many galgos hold a hare up or dictate the hares movement, even after 3 minutes . Think that answers it
  16. Went camping in Perthshire with my auld man in 1979 aged 10 . Seen a blue dog hare coursing. Ma da was more a rabbit man . So he got me a collie grey x ped whippet . She caught hundreds of local hares by time I was 17 . Father would be ferreting and I just pissed off . He used to say "be back in an hour " I was never back in time lol
  17. Stunning pup that . A throw back to the lurchers of old
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