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Everything posted by TOPPER



    I wish i could get enough sleep to snore what with the missus snoring tossing and turning then waking up turning all the bloody lights on to read then falling asleep dropping the book usually spilling her glass of water, id love 8 hours of good sleep never know one of these days
  2. maxxis do a good all terrain tyre
  3. roll on next month we can pop over the water and get the on the big fellas and some of those big rats lol its just all the drinking that fck me up getting to old me thinks
  4. a cracking picture if ever there was one , beddys doing the big fellas heaven forbid lol and there some around the globe still doing them and more and most were bred in the uk,
  5. madness but these days it does piss me of when you watch the box and any show /discussion type program has to have a gay boy a paki a nignog etc it can never be a bunch of normal people it always hand picked to show this so called multi cultural society bollocks
  6. some dogs arnt good producers and if you put 2 super dooper workers together that arn t producers you end up with crap been there done it next box of cartridges please
  7. worker to worker by all means but you still have to know the history behind them to produce a type that works consistently, allways bred for work and type will follow as the saying goes but it may take a lifetime to get there
  8. hienz 57 s springs to mind and a little dash of everything to make the world go round
  9. ditto FD i find it quite amazeing that when i take the bedlingtons to europe on the badgers all of a sudden they all want bedlingtons , work what suits you and your country and let the story s craic on
  10. TOPPER

    Bin Men

    bin men around here chuck most of it all over the road the mess they leave is unreal
  11. king wouldn t you have trouble with condensation , maybe put some vents in the top of the side wall s good idea may have to give one a go
  12. yes mate thats on one side the other was a dog called ben owned by rosser there the 2 dogs ive used over my bedlingtons
  13. i used to have a lovely 3 foot sturgeon in my pond and i let my mate leave his lurcher at mine overnight looked out in the morning -- whats that twat eating , fckin thing was having caviar but forgot to harvest it , the sturgeon would come up to the top to see you but that fckin lurcher grabbed it and ate it
  14. i aint no good at pics but il have a word with rory to put some on for you
  15. he certainly was a bedy x ns dog ive just used the dog again over his half sister 4 cracking pups fingers crossed they turn out as good as he was RIP Ted , and yes all mine are home bred
  16. mine are all bedlington x fell and are digging dogs they get used for a bit of ratting etc but there bred for digging some are hard some not so hard some are mute but most will bay and mix they do the job for me and thats all that matters if they don t its a long walk up a short field , all mine go between 13--15 in tts and for the record all the patterdale s out there owe a lot to the bedlington of old as they all carry bedlington blood
  17. my missus put some cream on her thrush and it went away , lol
  18. the workplace pension is a complete waste of time a good isa will be your best or buy land and rent that out lot less agro than houses the pony set are allways good for cash rentals
  19. you have to go careful with ivermec but it is good stuff when used properly NB IVERMEC DOESNT KILL TAPEWORM
  20. still plenty of callouts but chill out do more fishing find some more land and try and spend some time with a holiday, fat chance
  21. ive a couple of pairs of the aktis over trousers and there a few year old now and there brilliant good for digging and out on the moterbike i also have a couple of smocks the light weight one has been good but its on its way out now and the big heavy one has been excellent out on the continent in -40 temp and its always kept me dry i will say they were piss poor on the delivery time with it as bigger than average for there sizes they made it special for me and it was worth the wait
  22. now id just like to see a sealyham work to ground to a high standard as all the ones ive seen were complete shite and i find that a shame yis top
  23. TOPPER

    F**king Cats

    you got it all wrong fella make friends with them feed them then one day when they trust you dish out the kitty cat with a nice antifreeze gravy that will sort them
  24. ted heath signed us up to the common market not the eu super state it was the like of the traitor tony blair that gave eveything away to the eurocrats as for fishing and farming they would be alot better off its the eu thats fck these industry's the waste encountered in these industry is colossal because of stupid eu rules
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