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Everything posted by TOPPER

  1. they should put them against a wall give the women knives and let them get on with it
  2. just get rid of the muslims problem solved
  3. pirton [hay fever tabs] or some calmine lotion
  4. it needs ms may to do a tony and just scrap it with the parliment act same as it was put in place with
  5. welldone lads nice to hear the positives , need a short story now for cmw and shooting times etc shows we are not all blood thirsty hooligans
  6. then strap them to the car and let them practice --- boom thats a few more gone
  7. id say they got it bang on good on them
  8. should of just got the snow plough out and bulldo zed them out the way problem over its time this PC crap got sorted out
  9. i know a few driver that put phostoxin in there trailors as soon as they get to the port cant say i blame them ,they should flatten the jungle and shoot anyone who runs out of it wipe the scum out , those stupid girls wanting to let them in won t say that when there getting gang raped by them
  10. all we need now is lepenn to be frances next president gert wilders takes the seat in holland and it will be very interesting times for the immigrants
  11. ive a couple about that size in my pond interesting fish to watch
  12. stick with the bellman collar then take your pick of what box you want
  13. cushty dont stay anywhere long they soon chase the little sod off thornbury evicted him then stroud sent him packing he s doing a round robin now in yate then back over thornbury way lol
  14. ive the barryvox and the trakker 2 and more often than not we use the trakker 2 both are good accurate boxes
  15. the trakker 2 is good but havent tryed the 3 don t see why it shouldnt be ok
  16. id do it for the big fat salary they get,
  17. make it free for them mooseturds fill it to the brim then throw the electric fire in for them afterall don t want them getting cold fry the lot of them
  18. TOPPER


    wont see many around here to busy trapping and shooting the horrible things
  19. nothing new there then most of your council s support terrorism they invest your council tax into so called aid
  20. you d be better off speaking to Harry Parsons hes forgot more than glover will ever know don t get me wrong john glovers nice enough to chat to but what he knows about dogs you could put on a postage stamp it always someone elses take he just quotes it
  21. this is the modern world the age of the tinternet 4 hours is a long time lol
  22. by the looks of nicola sturgeon looks like someone got there first she looks pregnant or could be the topshop suit but she defo has a bump there, maybe the liking for Guinness has something to do with it or was it iron brew lol
  23. FD we use a lay at lulsgate by the airport for scans £20 ist at 5 weeks second at 7 weeks shes very good and her scanner is top notch better than most vets shes also very obliging she will fit around you , sharon at south west scanning 07793026446
  24. its nice to see the amount of people there to see it just imagine that today it would be brilliant
  25. id like to see andrea leadsom win it but i fear may will get it as it all part of the agenda to overturn the referendum
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