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big brew

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Everything posted by big brew

  1. My old fella got my Ma a dog (she wasn't happy as he already had a few in the kennels!) but he said "what you Gunna call her" to which the old girl replied "umm soona" he old fella was abit puzzled, "why soona?" "cos soona or later hopefully it will f@&k off!) so I have had a soona ever since!
  2. best one I saw was my dads mate bought "the best long dog money can buy blah blah blah"(you know the type of fella) anyway we were working an area we werent ment to be and were walking single file, i got to the fence first saw the big 2 foot square sign saying ELECTRIC FENCE DO NOT TOUCH! so I gingerly hopped over as did my old fella and this fella put one leg over and grab hold of the top strand! so this electric fence was zapping his balls when this dopey juke jump on with him bounced off yelped and ran off! me and the old fella were falling over the floor laughing, he found the dog the next
  3. lol lenny WAS a bare knuckle man (I have the proof mate )
  4. agreed but they were evenly matched i reckon
  5. thats the bradshaw bout i was talking about lol bet he wishes he never got that cheap shot in....
  6. pretty sure i have the dvd with that one on it as i say i will look when im back home mate roy shaw,lenny mclean and gorman that order, met mr gorman when i was a young fella awesome air about him very friendly
  7. lenny was one tough fella (check out the gypsy bradshaw bout)but bartley gorman was the toughest by far
  8. I may what your looking for mate i will have a look when i get home
  9. both nice looking pups lads
  10. well grays essex is a boring place to be stuck for 4 weeks

  11. awesome shots almost at the end of the program http://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/index2.html
  12. ebay number is 190386739596 lovely truck someones gunna be happy!
  13. maybe this would be better in living off the land sub forum maybe? ( i built mine out of a chest freezer its not pretty but works well!)
  14. Myxomatosis (sometimes shortened to "myxi" or "myxo") is a disease which affects rabbits. It is caused by the Myxoma virus. First observed in Uruguay in the late 1800s. It was introduced illegally to Egypt in 1842 and as a result spread to the rest of Africa. It was deliberately introduced into Australia in 1950 in an attempt to control rabbit infestation and population there; see rabbits in Australia. It was also deliberately introduced in the UK to try and reduce the rabbit population after World War II. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxomatosis
  15. big brew


    mate these questions are far to hard to answer you need to get a mentor and/or go on a course falconry is not a hobby its a way of life
  16. good luck with sale mate edit because of edit lol
  17. im 33 and never been called up lol
  18. anyone know where i can get some xbatteries in hampshire or delivered?
  19. too much of this going on these days lowlife scum need a good kicking hope you get him back fellas
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