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Everything posted by turnerboi

  1. yeah think so hes doing the terrier work for a hunt in the midlands
  2. yeah not far wrong there, i doubt the coat fits any more bud
  3. Pass them on mate, it's the only way. I know how you feel, every litter I've bred i tend to keep the worst one !!!. It doesn't matter how long you've been doing terrier work or how many litters you've bred if you can pick the best pup in a litter at eight weeks old then you're a better man than me. The only thing you can do is give them too good friends as I've already said and have a hand in there upbringing and entry, after a while of doing this you'll feel like you've got a massive teem to call on should the need arise and a much bigger gene pool to breed from which all should be properly t
  4. nah not talkin them up there costy show dogs but they are nice workin dogs to we happend to meet him minkhuntin and it looks good and works well to but i dont care wat they look like, black dogs all the way for me mate just thought id say that their are some good workin borders out there
  5. an old boy i go mink hunting in the summer with has some quality digging borders, heythrop terriers, on google was invited for a dig one day and there fair tools
  6. i bought a silver line bull nose spade from b+f and cut the pointed nose with plasama cutter and replaced the wood handle with steel pipe and it digs rairly well
  7. ok fair comment i agree years ago that theese terriers used to be of the same type but thats yers ago now due to line breeding black dogs show none of the characteristics of lakelands
  8. me n two mates were shooting modell airplanes that wer being flown over his fields by a bunch of townies so we ripped into the planes. went to his house and to cops turn up and aske dif we were the naughtie boys(only 15) and me mate replied yes r u our stripper
  9. coyote hunter dont know shit he still works doubled up russels and calls patterdales lakeland types to be honest he needs to stop reading the crap on wikipedia and compare these two totally diffrent breeds and then make his judgement, u dont see harcombe gould or jp callin their dogs lakelands and u dont see them working dooubled up coyote hunter is stuck in the dark days i think
  10. Nice too see you've got you're one and only jumper back on mate On the seriuos side shame about young Butch, hope you find the next great think shortly. It is my lucky jumper busterdog Im having a whip around to see if I can get a new one knitted for next season times very hard! i d donate you one of mine but it d be a bit baggy round the guts lol. it is a sickener when you lose a good one, i know it knocked you for six mate,unfortunately thats the risk we take every time we take em out. it does make you realise that some times we take old reliable for granted. its only wh
  11. are there many working bedlingtons about nowa days only seem to use blackdogs round my way now odd enthusiasts have russells just intrested and would like to know how many terrierman get a dig to a bedlington
  12. roger bigland has agood line of working borders there small handy types get most places typr heythrop terriers into google and hes on there
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