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Everything posted by turnerboi

  1. ahh tidy my bitch is coming up two so sounds like there from same litter she proving to be handy diggin bitch two i hear bloke called ross bread them ??
  2. hi there my black terrier bitch is out of jason powells samsons brother sparky put over a gouldy bred bitch called gyp ive been told there was three litters from this mating and mine is out of the last any body got or no of any other pups or what the parents worked like i got her of a game keeper not direct from the bloke she works well for me had four succesfull digs to her just curious
  3. spitting image of my black bitch how are they bred mine is a gouldy bred bitch (gyp) x with jps samsons brother (sparky)
  4. for more of a tester you might try a youngish dog that needs a bit of bringing on or a deeper dig to find out there internal make up to make more time leave it there slightly longer, thats testing a terrier not putting a big dog in a small spot and expecting it to fail, you may challange a terrier with a deep rangy place if its got used to small easier spots but not give it a huge place and again expect it to fail, dogs need bringing on just like we are all brought on in the digging game
  5. i prefer a medium sized terrier as i have seen big dogs fail to get up to a fox where a slightly smaller dog succeeds but i wouldnt go to small as they usually lack the bottle to do the job when there their, or if they do have the bottle they take a fair punishing for there size and retire early due to their head not holding up. but in small tight rooty or stony spots even a small terrier might not be able to get there so then were do u go a ferret? one dog imo cant do every job in the field e.g a hard dog cant be used in very deep places where as you wouldnt put a dog that dosent put pressure
  6. the bitch escaped ran off from her yard bud the lad thinks the world of this dog if you cant get hold of him and see her or hear of her try me on 07527604826
  7. i cant see any marks on her nose but i can qute clearly see the canine missing so must have done somthing
  8. would be nice to see a decent working russel in action as all the stuff round my way is useless
  9. didnt ken breed david harcombes old dog jack or the proffesor he was refferd to in his last book he looked a nice stamp of dog and by the pics he worked like a deamon
  10. classic thl at its best lmao on a serious note though the dogs may need a vaccination against idoit owner ituus you administer it to the owner not the dog
  11. check out pedros dog food its very similair to hunt kennel mix my dogs do well on it
  12. checl out pedros food just like kennel mix but for terriers not hounds good stuf i find
  13. ive done it to young pups 4 weeeks old but ana dult dog would probs chew it off cu they go real tight it would hurt its tail, out one on your finger youll see what i mean
  14. i think not

    every dog he has is shit and hes a member of the ray styles arse licking club and that yoyo of a russell hes got

  15. why on earth have you added him

  16. i have this shovel and found it to be pretty good i did plasama cut the nose off it to maake it more rounded but as they come there useless and need a good sharpening and a slight trim [bANNED TEXT] the plasama cutter atb
  17. ive heard people mention this dog if its the same floyd im on about i think DF at the ludlow used him on somthing ??
  18. if its cross bred what lines would u go back e.g a nick stevens patt x gould russel wat would u put over it would you follow the patt side or go with russels?? or would u put a brother sister maiting just wondering
  19. some are the one ive seen was an absolute deamon
  20. weve already told what to do dog wise you want a RUSSEL it seems as you keep asking about them if you want one thers nothing wrong with it youve just been given advice of people who own black dogs and imo every one will try and big up the breed which they own and work. at the end of the day its gunna be your terrier you will have to keep it so thers no point in getting a dog that some one tells you to and regret it for the rest of his life if he dosent work if hes too hard too soft youll be thinking shouldve got what i wanted. look at the work you want to do then get a terrier suited to that
  21. oh tidy bow

    is pepper in pup ?

    mine is

    wer u get dat

  22. ant got any as im not at home atm
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