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Posts posted by slingshot82

  1. offshore drilling?


    I'm not sure I could ever go back offshore/overseas, sick of being away from home etc. I now work from home but on half the money so I end up working twice the days which is pretty bad.


    I hate being a slave to money

    No mate, drilling and grouting mine workings.I'm a plant mechanic so will be maintaining the drilling rigs and associated plant
  2. I currently work a 37 hour week, but do overtime most sat mornings to top up my wages. It will just be a 5 day week with the new job.

    The job I have been offered, is working for a drilling company that I have worked for before. They were fine to work for and the job is secure. I left them almost two years ago for a lot less money but more time with the family.

    Since bought a new house and although we have been managing, money has been a little tight.

    I have worked out that I will be around 240quid better off between the extra pay and not running my own car back and forward to work

  3. Looking for advice/opinions,

    I have been offered another job, its an extra 11k per year.

    It's an extra 8 hours per week plus about an hours travel each way.

    I will get a van and diesel is free.



  4. I think it takes a few years to become a fully trained lazy fooker.

    I have been working in the transport garage maintaining all the plant and groundcare equipment for nearly two years (on my own I must Add) at my local council .


    There are a dozen other mechanics but they work on the vehicle fleet and to be honest, there isn't a hard days graft in any of them!

  5. Changing the strap on a mk1 terrier collar? How do i do it im alittle confussed?

    Usually if you pull the leather strap/collar while holding the transmitter in your other hand, the leather will slip through the resin that the transmitter is set in. It may help to wipe the collar down first with a wet cloth just to help it slip through.

  6. Deben Long Range Terrier locator for sale. Box and Collar.

    Comes with instructions and original packaging.

    One of the tangs/terminals in the transmitter that holds the batteries in is broken BUT it does not affect it working as both tangs/terminals are in parallel.


    Works absolutely fine, used it like this for the last 2 seasons without any problems.

    Only selling as I have treated myself to a Bellman/Barryvox set up.


    Im looking for £85 posted.


    Payment by cash or paypal.



  7. Outlaw Pete,

    I asked where I could get them, not what you thought of them! And for your information I actually have pens, I want a couple of chains like the ones I showed in my link to tie up a terrier while out digging as he chews through nylon or leather leads.


    In future don't jump to conclusions, u had no idea what I wanted it for!



    I didn't need to know what you " wanted it for! ". I jumped to no conclusions. I'm calmly sitting here, seeing that you simply know shit about Chain Sets.


    Sorry. But, there it is. You don't know what they should involve. Thus you're prepared to grab at what ever commercial crap is flashed at you. If you had a clue? You'd simply buy the component bits and knock up superb, tailored rigs.


    Instead, you get all snappy and yappy at a man you don't know from Adam and thrust on about buying bits and pieces. You've already tried two waste of time set ups. Now you'll blindly go for a third?


    What ever. You start by asking where to buy crap. Snap at me ~ Do you take after your Dogs? :hmm: ~ along the way. Now you end up, having used that " Text Talk ", by boldly stating you'll make your own, having been told it's easy?


    It is. Once you know how. You patently don't. Sorry; I think we've about got your number now, son :whistling:


    Off you go. I'll not be returning to this thread. No more than the school playground of my childhood.

    I don't need to be told they are easily made, I could knock one up in no time! I was just interested to see if I could buy one locally off the shelf.

    As for it being a waste of time set up, well it actually won't be a waste of time because it will do the job I want it to do.


    You have your opinion as I have mine, and I know that a chain like that will work fine.


    Thanks for your input anyway

  8. Outlaw Pete,

    I asked where I could get them, not what you thought of them! And for your information I actually have pens, I want a couple of chains like the ones I showed in my link to tie up a terrier while out digging as he chews through nylon or leather leads.


    In future don't jump to conclusions, u had no idea what I wanted it for!

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