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Everything posted by IN THE BUSH OUT THE BUSH

  1. david hancocks breding is out has been since 25 years ago none of his dogs are working stoce but if u whant to wast 175 200 go and see him
  2. the tow dog's in dusck till dawn are flin and sky flin was a black suluky cros and sky was a blue and white bich wich sadly pased away
  3. there was another video called dusck till dawn theres tow good dogs on there sky and flint killing lots of bunnys have you seen that one
  4. seen this dog run on a video my dad found out going threw some old boxes of his and a absolute cracker of a lamping dog yor aption ......................??
  5. dont be put off by that its what u teach them mate got one same way bread cracking little thing see if i can get some pic's tomrorow
  6. see i think u only get out what u put in and not just food
  7. you will have some good fun with them i would be intrested in one where u based
  8. going to be good night f..king fed the dog

  9. thinking of geting a whippett never had one befor so please hellp for lamping rabbits in horse padicks walking with the terrir and a ferreting companion
  10. looking for a pup bich but dose anyone no hoow breeds the best for working
  11. hi there all when pup is around 8 to 9 months i start lamping the pup in big horse padicks see the wether will help so no need to spoall the pup lamping can be done in steps my pups frist lamp he did not evan pall but one night i got a rabbit to sit and got verry close pup did not evan see it so i put my foot up it's ass and when it jumped up pup palled i sliped the chase was on good couse for about 15 seconds then pup losed it up long the hedge but the next night i was so keen back out pup well up for it he never look back now kills every think that movse on the lamp
  12. depends on what bit of premishon i go to and what dog's we tack but around 8 to 31 this seson
  13. yes as a pup she was not like the rest of litter see ther was five pups one died so the rest where spred out betwean mate's by 6 months thay where 19 to 22 inches but the bitch was not like the three dogs thay where muscely alround then at 18 months thay where all solid but the bitch flat in her legs hardly no muscel he was all ready walking her with other dogs so the summer came and he started swimming her he likes it himsalfe but i notise he was doing it every late afternoon for about three qurters of an houer i said that not to over do it but in a way im not suer if he did thats why im ask
  14. well done why put your salfe or your dog's in danger good thinking there is always another time
  15. cracking pup's mate can see ther well looked after best of luck with them
  16. any pic's of pup mate one of my lamping buddy's has a pup from pocher's pocket about 7 months hes just started ferriting with her good with livestock coming on ok she is 22inch's good luck with pup
  17. do u think it help's with staminer see what i do not whant to do is cause any musel bound or tightings witch my friend did to his tidy little bitch she was so tight he could only walk 100 yard's then carry her home she is now five and is still no better
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