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Everything posted by jhiggins

  1. Great stuff, looks like you had a good bag
  2. Air Pistol used once, comes with box, instruction and guarantee and a full tin of pellets £50
  3. I have a deer grey whippet X, shes coming on well, growing like hell! Shes very clumsy still but is doing very well out with the ferrets ATB
  4. Anyone know where I can by a quick set style basket for my 50 yard long net? Cheers
  5. Had my 16 week old deerhound cross pup out in the park and she ran full pelt into my terrier. She collapsed yelping onto the floor and was limping on her front right leg when she got up. Rested her since but it's still very sore. Been giving her warm showers and massaging it, any thing else I can do to aid recovery, or is a trip to the vets the best? She's moving around ok now and wants to run but you can see its still sore. Any advice much appreciated
  6. Haha, thanks for the advice lads Can't wait to pick her up! Atb
  7. Im about to pick up a 16 week old lurcher pup Should it still be ok to house train given its age? Any tips, i have a cage and plan to use that. ATB
  8. Yeh that's exactly what she's done. Il give her a rest and get it cleaned out. Thanks for the advice lads
  9. Ok, il grab some terrmicine, will that do? Use it on the sheep?? So no lamping for a bit then.
  10. Just wondering what people put on their dogs feet when they get cut and how long they rest them for. Ive got a whippet cross and I took her out the other night on the lamp but she wasnt running right. Looked at her feet and the bit of soft tissue that sticks out of the lower front leg was cut on both sides I think she got it from chasing my terrier around in a car park. I havnt run her on anything hard for a few days now but it doesnt seem to be healing up. Any ideas?
  11. Well if anyone fancies a night on the lamp let me know, ive got transport and i don't mind a drive. The dog is steady enough, not going to run off and cause havoc! Shes broken to stock. Going to have a quick look round tonight as its come over cloudy
  12. Im up in West Malling now, was down near the East Sussex border but moved a bit further up. The farm in question was in Hawkhurst.
  13. That sheep incident was next door to a farm that i have got, couldnt believe it when the land owner told me, makes me angry that we all get tarred with the same shitty brush!
  14. Morning all, I have recently moved to the area and I'm looking to get out on the lamp. I've got permission back home but its miles away from where i am now. I have a whippet lurcher who works very well day and night and a lamp. I was wondering if anyone needed some help in the area. I'm in the process of asking for permission up here but if anyone has any and needs a hand in the mean time id be keen to come out with you. Would be good to meet someone local who shares my interests! ATB J
  15. I'm in Kent and we have noticed a big drop of when we are out on the lamp and fewer in the more open warrens we ferret. They seem to be sticking to the woodland warrens where we have been getting better than normal bags. Atb
  16. Turns out it was kidney failure that caused the pneumonia so there was nothing that could be done.
  17. Taken the decision to put her down, she's gasping for air now an clearly suffering. Thanks for the advice, should have spotted it earlier.
  18. Anti biotics are oral. She is not feeding herself, I am seringing. She seems to take it quite well. She had pooed this morning at 6 which I wa pleased about. I have to go by the vets today so I'm gunna drop in dodge can have a look She has been on the anti biotics for 2 weeks now with no improvent so I'm wondering if the vet will want to change them. Really hope I can pull her through this. Ta
  19. Should I be giving her the a/d solution when I give her water. Doing it every 1.5 hours at the moment
  20. She has seen the vet but has gone down hill again. Checked against the symptoms of CD and I'm fairly confident it's not that. I just don't want her to be suffering, I don't mind putting in the hours. Il stick at it and see how she is in a few days Thanks for the advice ATB
  21. Hi all, I have got a ferret with pneumonia. I have been reading ideations post and have been doing everything that was suggested. She is on anti biopics, hills a/d every few hours and water as well. She does not seem to be getting any better, she is so weak, just lies there breathing very fast. She seems to have lost control of her back end, she also seems to be wetting et self but little solids. She's been on the anti biopics for 2 weeks and I'm wondering whether they are doing any good. Basically I want to knowing there is anything else I can do or is it just a case
  22. Hope shes still ok, what you have done for her is admirable. Shes got a friend in you mate ATB
  23. Thanks for all the replies. I have been given a deben battery pack by a friend, its not lithium but i dont mind that. For lamping with the dogs what size of lamp would you guys recommend, i see that lightforce do a 140 170 and a 250? I assume that is reflector diameter? Do the Lazerlite lamps have filter options?? thanks
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