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Everything posted by jester

  1. Jake's 24" at the moment but only 9 months old, still got some growing to do. Find he's a lot more switched on than Jim who tends to get bored after a while Looking forward to trying him out this season, definatley got potential
  2. Father was a blue merle collie greyhound, mother was a chocolate bedlington whippet. Seen the parents as I have her brother
  3. Cheers, can't wait til the season starts again, gonna have me some fun
  4. Cheers all they do the job for me :whistle: Ben is 15" Mitz is 14"
  5. I hope he finds a good home for her too. She's the sister to mine and he,s turning out to be a cracker Was hoping he'd be able to keep her but unfortunatly he can't build kennels (rented house) Someone out there gotta have a home for her :thumbs-up:
  6. Jim is Collie/Greyhound/Whippet (Black) Jake is Collie/Greyhound x Bedlington/Whippet
  7. most likly opened up that why he wants to sell it Don't comment on what you don't know He's selling her because his missus can't handle 3 dogs in the house If you want to know more RING HIM
  8. Got to be as cheap as possible with my budget, prefer the Austin Mini's It will be stripped and rebuilt into another shell with alternative engine fitted The old cooper s were cracking motors, wish I had kept mine all them years ago
  9. Does ya missus come with a flip front
  10. Anyone got or know of a mini for sale/free for a project, condition not too important PM with details Cheers
  11. Unfortunatly a friend of mine has to sell his bitch She's a 9 month old collie/greyhound x bedlington/whippet Must go to a working home Ring him on 07985572281 for more details In Abergavenny S Wales Now with pictures attachmentid=15699]
  12. jester

    rats away

    Slightly off topic but as for putting ya hands in dark places... was out tickling for trout years ago and pulled a rat out from under some roots, have also tickled plenty of frogs & toads, confuses the hell out of you, your up to ya neck in water wondering what your holding
  13. Had a few on the Teme last year
  14. Use mine where the cover is too thick for the spaniels, put the other dogs to shame in most places, dont miss a bird and the keepers love them for it
  15. Pym JRT Tiz JRT Wotsit JRT Bonnie Heinz57 Mitzy JRT Ben JRT Jim Collie/Greyhound/Whippet Jake Collie/Greyhound/Bedlington/Whippet
  16. jester


    Job going as an underkeeper in Evesham if that helps, think its advertised in the local paper...
  17. Years ago I got a BSA Mercury for 1 rabbit
  18. Have a look on www.guntrader.co.uk a;ways loads for sale reasonably priced
  19. He's a collie/greyhound/whippit standing at 23" Turning into a real tool for hunting The new pup is a collie/greyhound x beddlington/whippit should go to about 24" Will post pictures when I get chance
  20. Was the second lurcher I've had, the first being a 2yr old bitch given to me by a friend who couldn't keep her any more. Have caught the bug now though as Ive also got another pup to bring on for next year
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