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big bad john

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Everything posted by big bad john

  1. in my opinion mate you have hit the nail right on the haed if every 1 that worked dogs felt the same way then there wouldnt be so many shit dogs abowt and there woudnt be nine pages of people selling dogs and argueing about whos is better the people owt there with good dogs arnt makeing any money from selling them and dont need to name drop
  2. cheers mate the vet rekons its not mange like but so far they have been useles. it hapend a few year ago but was only on her ears and noise i used suddcream and it cleared straight up the vet said she must just have allerges and with her gettin older she carnt fight it off any more.i have alredy chaged her beding and deit and i give her all the oils she needs but nothing seems to be workin her hair is cumming back slowly but shes red raw and very hot. shes brindle and apart from this completely fine just carnt wait to get her put right again shes been suffering from this for a few munth now an
  3. http://www.horseloverz.co.uk/Pierces-All-Purpose-Nu-Stock-Ointment-12ozs-pr-276516.html They sell it here mate cheers mate
  4. i have a bull whos had condition similar have you heard of a shampoo called maleseb white bottle blue writing and blue lion logo this works great i mate i got it at my vets but the redness and scrating got alot worse and in some places her coats went grey
  5. cheers mate needed to no if that camarosa was any good was thinking of getting some like
  6. she was in in my kennels when this started mate a only moved her up home when it got worse
  7. tryd that mate a new it worked [bANNED TEXT] she lost abit of her coat [bANNED TEXT] she was younger but had no effect this time cheers a nyway mate
  8. av got a 7 year old staff and shes lost a lot of her coat and got dry flakey red skin i tryed every thing i could think of but it got worse so it was of to the vets shes been scraped for mites sevel times and never foud 1 yet shes had a few corses of tablets that were slowly brining her coat back but shes still red and scrating dont any ideas
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